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I was working for 5yrs in big software MNC.I wanted leave month urgently.So I went after informing HR on Mail.but when Icame back,HR told me that I was termiated bcoz leave was not approved.I have been given termination letter by them but no relieving letter.

I want to join a new company.Should I show the termination letter there instead of relieving there

Please advise urgently




  1. ...It is surprising, that for one who claims to have been 'working for 5 years' with an MNC, you do not even seem to know that a month's leave [earned leave, sick leave, etc.] has to be sanctioned first, before you can avail of it !

    ...A 'big software MNC' is not like an unprofessional small-time outfit, where you can just send in an e-mail [as you claim to have] that you are going on leave for a month.

    ...This MNC must have given you their Appointment Order, when initially recruiting you.

    If you bother to go through it at least now, it will be very clearly mentioned that if you do not obey the company's rules and regulations [which will include those concerning taking a long period of leave without prior permission], the MNC can terminate your services, without any need to give prior notice.

    ...There is NO question of their 'relieving' you now, when you have been punished for your indiscrete and flippant act with a termination.

    No fun crying over spilt milk, right ?

    It is better to concentrate on how to play down this obvious 'black mark' in your career records. Trying to place all the blame on your past employers will only antagonise future employers as well. And no fun bluffing about your termination either, since all it would take is a simple phone call to your previous employers to expose you :

    ...The wisest way in which you could avoid bringing your own unprofessional conduct to the notice of your prospective employers, is to mention that you were 'forced to suddenly abstain from work' due to 'an unfortunate personal tragedy in my family'.

    ...As you were 'in no position to explain the sudden situation in advance', and could only inform the MNC through an e-mail, they had routinely terminated you.

    ...Some kind-hearted HR person, who had faced a similar situation in his/her early career, might give you another chance.

    When you get it, please do not spoil your future again, by re-enacting your leave-taking 'technique'. Even non-MNCs do not put-up with such indifferent attitudes towards one's work !

    I wish you every luck, at least in your future career.

  2. From the way you have phrased your question, and the shabby spelling mistakes in it [Yahoo! Answers even has a spellchecker facility], you come across as a person who never bothers to create a 'good impression'...

    ...One must first become an acknowledged authority in one's field of work, BEFORE one adopts such an indifferent attitude towards one's work and career :

    Your indifference has been repaid in kind, by the MNC's action.

    You give the distinct impression of one who looks upon a job merely as a source of income, and not as the foundation for a brighter future. And though you have been 'working' for 5 years, you have obviously not made any good impression on the management.

    ...And now that you have been terminated, you seem unable to defend your own past actions - and decide to seek 'advice' in a public forum !

    ...You need to first discipline yourself, and be totally truthful in whatever you put in your resume, while applying for any new job.

    As another Answerer has effectively explained, you will gain a lot more sympathy, by frankly accepting the blame for your termination rather than accusing the MNC of behaving inhumanly.

    Best of Luck.
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