
Termite control! Help Please!!!!?

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Ok so my brother just went into the kitchen looking for food when he came up to me saying "you know we have termites in the kitchen right?" My mom is passed out on the couch and my dad is away on work, so my question is what do I do? Any advice at all would be greatly appreciated.




  1. An easy, safe, effective way to control your termite problems is with entomopathogenic nematodes.  They are microscopic round worms that parasitize the termite and then kill it.  I don't know rates or anything because I didn't have the problem (a friend did), but I know that they got their nematodes from a place in Ames, Iowa -- I think the name was Becker Underwood?

  2. Since you will probably have to wait for your parents approval to do anything definite, you should pass the time doing research on different pest control methods.  There's fumigation, which involves moving out for 3 days while your house is tented, gassed, and aired out, but this is only available in some parts of the country.  There is also the new orange oil injection treatment, which involves none of the things associated with fumigation, just some guys coming in and injecting your house with orange oil.  In any case, you need exterminators in order to do anything permanent.

  3. evacuate everyone NOW!!!!!!!!! wake up mom before they carry her away

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