
Terms of your divorce?

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What did you (and/or your spouse) request in the divorce, and what was the outcome?




  1. for me i just wanted it done.  asked for 300 mon for the child, i left the house. even split the silverware.  he was to take any credit cards since he was the spender, not me.  He backed out 3 months later and decided he didnt want to pay them after all. so if you have any agreement like that, put it in writing

  2. We agreed and it was uncontested.

    I wanted 50/50 physical custody of the kids and he wanted to move 45 miles away, making 50/50 physical impossible.  I compromised and we have joint legal with me as primary physical custodian.

    We agreed on a child support amount, but it was lower than the minimum for our incomes and number of children on the state's scale.  The judge increased the amount so it fit within the scale.  We ignore the order and do what we need to do to ensure our children have what they need.

    We let the attorneys put in the standard visitation schedule, every other weekend, holidays on opposing years, 1 month in the summer, etc.  We ignore the order and work out visitation as it works best for the kids.  Generally speaking, they spend more time with their dad than was ordered.

    He wanted the order to include a morality clause stating that neither of us would have overnight guests of the opposite s*x in the home while the children are with us.  This is, of course, unless we remarry or the person is a relative.  I didn't think it was such a big deal to include this, as I would never consider shacking up or s******g in the presence of my children anyway.  But, it was a big deal to him so I let it slide.

    He's responsible for child support until they're out of high school.  My income enables me to handle the day-to-day stuff for the kids, so I really don't need much in the way of child support.  We agreed outside of the order that the support money would be invested in college savings.  So, I'm paying most of their expenses now and the support money being saved will pay their college expenses later.

    I agreed to hold their medical and dental coverage.  He has a history of moving from job to job, some of which do not offer benefits.  My career is stable, so it's just easier for me to keep up the coverage.  Out of pocket medical/dental is supposed to be split 50/50.  I don't push it, as copays are not a lot of money anyway.

    I kept the house.  He had driven us into bankruptcy and we'd lost our home.  The home we were living in and paying for was financed by my parents since we had no credit.  

    He got most of the furniture, except what belonged to the kids.  I didn't have a problem giving it up and replaced it all over time.  We each kept the cars that we were driving.  

    I think that's about it for the major stuff.  Our divorce was fairly amicable, so it's all worked out well.

  3. He didn't want anything inside the I got it (he had re-located to another state and didn't want to pay for shipping I guess lol).

    The family home was to be sold when the youngest turned 21 -until then the kids & I could live there, I was paying the mortgage & escrow account, and the home owners insurance, utilities, etc....then I was to get 100% credit for whatever principle I payed down, he got 100%credit for paying off a side loan...we broke even-steven on the remaining proceeds after all the upfront stuff (lawyer's fee, taxes, realtor's commission, etc).

    The earlier child support & custody order was continued ( I had full legal & physical custody..he's bi-polar and abuses meds & alcohol)

    I could take back my maiden name.

    Worked for me.Worked for the kids...worked for my now husband, too.

  4. easy divorce.  ex gave me sole custody of the kids.  friendly terms right now.  don't hate.  let it go.  
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