
Terrible 2's Woe?

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I have a two year old son, a terrible two, year old son. He has started ignoring me and my wife when we give out to him, or tell him to do something. And likes to make alot of noise from 5:30am till 08:30pm, rarely stopping, as he has decided only babies sleep during the day. I'm only days away from getting him drunk just so I can have a minutes peace!

Which type of alcohal & what dosage is my question. Only joking. When does the hurting stop? Is there terrible 3's & 4's!?




  1. Sounds like you need to spank him and put him in time out if he won't settle down.  If he won't stay keep putting him back until he will sit there for a few minutes.

  2. ok....wait for's actually worse when they are about 3!!!!! I have 3 year old twins!

    It does pass just need to dsitract him if he doesn't respond to discipline (very common)...example....would you like to read this special book together? Well we can, but its a quiet time activity....would you like some quiet time together?

    There's no point forcing him to nap if he doesn't want to.......and if the worst comes to the worst...put him in fron tof the tv with a wiggles can't go wrong! Then give YOURSELF a good dose of alcohol! hee,hee,hee

    Good luck!

  3. He sounds normal and don't know if you've heard, but the 3's are worse.  Yep so true. Hang in there...

  4. The hurting will NEVER stop! He will be your son until  you die and you will worry for him 'til the same day. If he is over the terrible two, you will worry for him on his first day of school, when he starts driving, when he brings home the first girlfriend. You will worry about his education, if he choose the right woman, and than about all of his other choices in his life. Parenting is a never ending story and that is what so wonderful about it. Enjoy every, tiring moment of it.!

  5. Ususally the worst is late 2's and early 3's. They get better in the late 3's usually but some take longer. Just find discipline that works for you and stick with it even if it seems to not be working. All 2 and 3 year old's ignore. Teach him it's not ok and soon he will improve. He is learning even if he seems like it's not getting through.

  6. there is indeed terrible 3's and it's a lot worse than twos. I have a 3 year old right now and some days I want to pull my hair out. I also have a 1 year old and she is a hand full as well and I think her terrible twos started early. I wish you luck.

  7. There will be terrible 3's,4's,5's and the rest of his life at home if you don't nip it in the bud now.  I think that "Terrible Two's"  is just a made up name for when children begin to be more independent and parents fail to set boundaries and enforce them.  I'm not saying YOU have done this.  I don't know your personal situation, but I am saying that IF you don't start using some discipline he will only get worse.

  8. I'm sorry but the 3's are worse in my experience :\

    Hard work isn't it, sorry I couldn't be much more help. If something works let me know!

  9. Well it really depends on the child. My niece hit her "terrible twos" at more like 15 months or so and she will be 3 in October and she's pretty much calmed down now.

  10. You need to show him that your older, and your the boss even though his a kid.Don't spank kids, that just makes them even worse or so i have seen.Here's a tactic i have seen a lot of parents use.Tell the kid, that you will leave him in some scary place.For example, if he doesn't behave you will leave him in the alley in the night.

    Seen it work lot of times, spanking is the next best thing after that

  11. not as bad as my cuz shes 3 she hits screams bangs her head if she dosnt gets what she wants then she acts all  sweet to the newer people she meets!
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