
Terrible anxiety out of noware...what do i do ....please help

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ok...lately ive been having terrible anexity about this girl that i really love...ive known her my whole life and we started dating not long ago...ive always loved her...but sudenly im always feard that somthings rong...and i could never live if somthing hapend to her...ive never had anexity before...but now im getting it non stop...what can i do? im only me please.




  1. I used to feel the same way. Please take this into consideration. It worked for me, although I am not you.

    I had insomnia. It turned out to be my use of Splenda. Yup Splenda. How could something that taste so good, be so bad?

    I like to say sucralose, not Splenda, because that is what Splenda is. And it is in a lot of stuff. Sadly, the package doesn't have to say Splenda or diet to have sucralose in it. You have to read labels. So, you might be using it and don't even know it!

    Sucralose is poison. It ruined five years of my life. I had a laundry list of medical problems while taking it, including overwhelming anxiety, depression, mood swings, insomnia, gastrointestinal issues and more.

    Go ahead, google: anxiety splenda or anxiety sucralose or insomnia splenda or insomnia sucralose

    The slogan, "Made from sugar..." is very misleading. Splenda might be made from sugar, but it is far from sugar. The resulting chemical is an organochloride (chlorocarbon). Organochlorides are typically poisons.

    carbon monoxide - made from oxygen so its like a breath of fresh air

  2. Talk to her, ask her if something really is wrong. Maybe nothing's wrong and you're stressing out for no reason. Your anxiety isn't helping your situation at all, loose the stress and everything will get better.

    Answer mine?;...

  3. What you're feeling is completely normal for someone in love. You're feeling a very strong attachment, and very strong emotions, which opens you up to possible pain. You know that you would be seriously hurt if something happened to destroy the relationship you have. This is a new feeling for you, the worry is normal, but what you have to do is control that worry.

    I felt the same way the first time I was in love. I was always afraid that something would happen to him, that he would get into a car wreck or something, or that he might be angry at me, or fall out of love with me.

    I learned that you have to take a deep breath and relax. You need to enjoy the happiness that you're experiencing right now. You're in love, she is with you, and no matter what happens in the future, you wouldn't take back what you have now. So you have to put faith in God, or the universe, or whatever you may believe in that things will work out the way they are supposed to.

    If you stress too much and bother her too much (constantly asking her if she's upset, or if something is wrong, or if you're not good enough, etc) you'll drive a wedge between the two of you.

    You have to relax. Remember, she wants a relationship with you just as you are. You don't have to keep fighting and worrying. You're together. She wants you. Be happy and enjoy what you have.

    Good Luck!

    PS-I agree with the other answer-I hope you two are waiting to have s*x.

  4. Hi, I am the author of

    Do not worry, I am not spamming my site - my site don't sell products or anything. My site is solely dedicated to panic-attacks or people whom have anxiety. I give tips on how to sleep even if you have anxiety.

    Please do visit and post any questions there or here so that I can help you further.

    I have been a sufferer for 12-years and am doing well. My blog is dedicated to help. I will be updating my blog every 5-7 days on new ways to cope anxiety. I have just made few good entries on coping - I hope it will help you.

    I started out taking prozac 20mg daily.. then it dropped to 10mg and now I am just taking 5mg and still doing very well. I might be considering taking medication off my life.

    And most importantly, I am here to help you because I know how it feels to have anxiety or panic attacks.

    There are free tips and free items on relaxation and such for you to download!

    All the best,


  5. Sweety, I think you are fairly young to be worried about what you'd do without this girl.  I'm sure she means alot to you and you probably mean alot to her.  Reality is that you have so much more to experience.  Maybe you should speak to someone you trust, maybe even mom or dad and have them take you to a therapist that is willing to help...This is not abnormal...actually it happens more and more each day.  Please understand that you are young and you have a whole life ahead of you. If it doesn't work as boyfriend/girlfriend, maybe you can just be good friends and learn from your experience...I sure hope you're not having s*x at this age...and if you are, please protect yourselves...It is better to wait though...Good luck

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