
Terrible boarding stable?

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I am at boarding stable where the horses are to be fed grain twice per day, hay when needed and clean stalls every night. This is all in a contract that began April 1st. Right away, the horses were not stalled at night unless it was sleeting. We live in Wisconsin and April was crazy freezing. My horse was used to a stall. Anyway, around the middle of April we started getting some grass, and I found out that she was only feeding grain once per day, at night. I mentioned this to her and she said since they were now getting grass they didn't need feed twice a day and if I wanted it I would have to pay extra. We agreed that I would buy my own hay and grain and feed as I please, I would just pay for the stall that wasn't getting used anyway. The c**p continued (not feeding the other 8 horses hay in a bare 10 acre) and I gave my notice to move out the end of this month (I've already paid). She said according to the contract I have to pay for 30 days which would be July 9




  1. I don't care what the situation is... You could be a total *****,( I'm not saying you are at all...) but that does NOT give her the right to take things out on your animals. The last place I boarded at I had a very similar problem, so I know what you're going through. The only thing you can do without taking legal action would be to take care of your horse, do what you have to do and ignore her BS until you can finally get your horses out of there. Arguments, not abiding by your contract, etc. will only lead to more frustration, I promise. Just be happy once you're gone and don't have to deal with people like her anymore.

  2. just get out!!! you're paying for everything and taking care of your own horses anyways..

    the care and safety of your horses, not to mention having a place you can go to enjoy them - isn't worth $80 bucks of a fight...

    If you DO want to fight over the board you need to but your complaints to her in writing - your contract to board is in writing, your complaints need to be in writing - send via certified mail or e-mail so you have a, and re-read your letter before you send it to make certain that it has facts (not your emotions!) listed...

    Good Luck!!

  3. Well no matter how much pasture and hay a horse has to eat...they always should be fed twice a day.That woman is crazy!

  4. if you don't feel right about it then do something about....because you wouldn't want anyone to get hurt..

  5. Pay the $80, and move your horse asap. Is his health and well-being worth that? I bet it is.

    It sucks, and shes a lousy BO. But you signed a contract, then agreed to bring your own hay & grain. Then you agreed to continue paying for a stall you weren't using. Quit agreeing to be a doormat! If you're not getting the care you're paying for, leave!

    Yeah, you could take her to court, but it will probably cost you more than you'll get. Good luck to you & your horse.

  6. Just pay her through July 9th to keep her happy, let her "win", and keep her from doing anything malicious, especially to your horses.  Chalk it up to lesson learned.  There is no reason to stay until July 9th if you paid until then.  Get out as fast as you can.

  7. If your contact clearly states that you have to give her 30 days notice or pay for 30 days, you're stuck.  I'd get my horse out of there PDQ and then seek a lawyer out to recover any and all money due.

    I've boarded at crappy stables that play games before and you really have to watch them.  I guess I'm pretty lucky, I can turn around and call all my horses from pasture and they come a walkin'.

  8. that is soo bad call someone im not sure were you live but if the horses are getting mistreated or something do something about it

    and you did you right thing by moving

  9. In negotiations of this nature it's best to pay the money, yes,....and, get your horse the heck out of there...(not good to leave her their under the present circumstances).  You may contact an attorney if your feel you've been unjustly treated and let him/handle recovering monies that you've paid.  Ultimately, your horse's welfare should be the have no control over what might happen to her if you are not's a lesson learned and sadly, there are many barn owners/managers just like her out there....don't worry, the word will get around about her and any business she might have will disappear as word of mouth information spreads about her.   As they say, she "shot herself in the foot".

    I would NOT post flyers around town putting her in a negative light as then you enter into issues of libel and slander.....ask your attorney about those issues.  Libel is is any written or printed matter tending to injure a person's reputation unjustly (you'll have to PROVE that she's as bad as you say she is, that can run into the thousands of dollars)...the act or crime of publishing such a thing.   Slander involves uttering a falsehood that damages another's reputation...

    Give this some serious thought; and good luck to you!!

  10. sounds like your horse needs help and so do you. I would not worry about that money. I would simply explain that it dose not take much to file a report of animal abuse and she would loose a lot more money by trying to take advantage of you. Tell her Your leaving and you believe you horse was neglected with the others that still reside there. If she plans on keeping her boarders she needs to correct the issues at hand and leave you alone or else you will report her for animal abuse. See how fast she stops asking for that money that is not due her. Agencies do not take kindly to animal abuse ,especially horses that i can tell you for a fact. Good luck with finding a new stable. If you happen to live any were near Austin TX I can recommend an excellent stable as far as care , feeding , and keeping stalls clean. It could use a little cosmetic work on the outside but the owner believes in feeding a little more rather than to little. This place gives grain 3X a day + hay included for a total of $ 300.00 per month plus they get let out every night to roam the property. Every horse there is happy and healthy. and most are a few pounds heaver then they should be. My 15 year old rides there and its the best place i have found yet!

  11. If I were you I wouldnt pay her. If she isnt keeping her part of the contract then its her fault.  If she has an issue with it tell her to take you to court.  Because she isnt fulfilling the terms of the contract she will be the one at fault.  You could technichally sue her for it if you wanted.  But you should have to pay her for things she's not doing.

  12. I am from Wisconsin too and sleet isn't the only bad weather that a horse should be brought into a stall for...

    I totally agree with Banks and yellowsmi...

    First get ur horse outta there asap! Then post the fliers up anonymously if you want to..

  13. That is terrible!!! I would post flyers all over town everywhere I could to let people know how your horse is being treated!! This is aweful!!! Im sorry you are having to go thru this! Just go out and feed your horse daily until you can get him out of there. And I would do it as quick as possible.

    Im sorry for your issues with this horrible place!!! Plaster her name all over town to warn everyone else not to go there!!!

    Good Luck

  14. I would tell everyone that boarding horses there the problems you r having and what is goin on, how she isnt following contract. She probably is stealling the money

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