
Terrible knee pain..unbearable??!!?

by  |  earlier

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im 15 and my knees have gotten really bad from playing field hockey and doing dance. i have been havin summer hockey practice for a week now and my knees have sharp pains in them that go around my whole knee and up the sides of them.i have not a clue what it is. they hurt all the time,when im sitting or playing or anything!! they spaz a little when they hurt and im standing like they shake...anything would be helpful.should i stay off my knees and stop practing or what?!? anything is helpful at this point!





  1. Knees are the weakest joints in our body, so chronic stress on them can definitely lead to problems.  Try to take it easy for a while.  The last thing you want to do is keep pushing yourself and end up with stress fractures or other damage.  One of my friends ignored those pains, continued her daily running routine, and ended up with stress fractures in both legs and had to wear braces for months!

    All that said, it would be best to see your doctor.

  2. i only see 1 good answer here. see a doctor!

    why did i get a bad rating for saying this?!?!?

  3. if you take a wire coat hanger and keep putting pressure on it by bending it every which way but lose, it will eventually break, AFTER having worked up a lot of heat that could burn your fingers to touch.

    you are only 15?  why do you feel the need to overachieve and tear down your body?  as dude said, you need to see a doctor. he'll tell you to ice the knees because they can't do anything while it is inflammed, maybe---maybe give you antibiotics, and tell you to stay off your legs as much as possible then come back and see him when he can see through the inflammation, after, of course he sends you to

    x-ray.  of course he still won't be able to do anything if there is a lot of inflammation, until it goes down. or he might want to cut you open and scrape some stuff out of your knees. how about you stop 'all that jazz', take care of yourself, then maybe do one activity per season?

    unless of course you want to end up like me, totally disabled at 55, sometimes can't walk, have to crawl, depending on what part of my body has gone out that day---all because i thought i was superwoman and 'needed' to do everything and thinking everyone 'needed me'.

    one thing i learned the h**l-a-hard way, when you push your body, it pushes back, and it always wins.  pain is a symptom.  it's telling you to stop what you're doing and seek help.

    my problem was no insurance, so i kept on trying to earn a living putting in all i had.  give yourself a break, before you permanently break yourself. listen to your body AS SOON AS it starts to holler out,

    "I HURT !"

    but before you agree to any surgery see a lot more than one doctor.  not one doctor knows everything, so bounce it off a number of professionals and see if they all agree.  so often we can manage without surgery.  i do have some good days but had i had surgery, i am sure i'd be worse off because nobody could agree on what was wrong with me.  now it turns out, no surgery would have helped.

    my left knee hurts like heck ever since i moved and have been climbing up and down on chairs and carrying things i shouldn't have.  i intend to lay down and rest for the rest of the day, just so i will be able to get up for church tomorrow.  you are too young to have symptoms of old age.

    something keeps telling me to tell you to take---what's that stuff i need for my legs?  i just lost the thought---found it!  Glucosamine Condroitin.

    i found some in liquid form in a pharmacy at a hospital, (Kaiser)  that was the best for me because liquid goes straight into your system.

    but it all helps.  i'm going to have to go out and get some more for myself.  thanks for asking the question, you just reminded me of what i can do to help myself again.

    if it sounds like i have 'blasted on you', it's because i have.

    i'd rather you prevent pain than become a lifetime victim of it as i have.

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