
Terrified of a c-section!?

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I have only been in the hospital four times in my life -- once just a few weeks ago for the baby not kicking like he usually does, once to get staples in my head when a friend bit me, once for a spider bite, and once for a toothache to get antibiotics. I haven't EVER had a surgery, major or minor .. nothing even close. I've had cavities filled, blood drawn, shots, & that's about the extent of it. I AM TERRIFIED that I will have a c-section, no "experience" in the surgery department at all. Anyone else like this? I am so scared. I mean if I have to have one, okay, that's fine, that's obviously how it's supposed to be. BUT, I am sooooo scared of it. What can I do to get over this, if anything? I can't explain it I guess. I mean, I haven't EVER been in the hospital for more than a few hours, so going from that, to a major surgery that I am awake for sounds pretty scary. HELP!!? I need some stories :)




  1. I was terrified of a c-section, too.  My mother had c-sections with all three of us kids and reassured me, but I was still scared.  Then I spent 34 hours in labor, convinced I would be the first person to every die of pain, pushed for 2 hours, and the baby hadn't budged.  I was exhausted and wanted the baby out, no matter what it took.  After pushing for two hours, we stopped to re-evaluate and I asked the doctor what my options were.  She said we could either keep pushing or have a c-section.  I told her to cut me open!  My fear was gone.  I didn't even care anymore, I just wanted the baby out.  My epidural had provided very temporary relief as the catheter had migrated and the meds weren't going to the right place and did no good.  I had been having hard contractions every 2-3 minutes since I had gotten to the hospital (I was on pitocen because my water broke and labor didn't start).  Once I was on the table, even though it is a surgery you can stay awake for, I pretty much passed out due to exhaustion.  The pregnancy was far worse than the surgery and recovery.  Besides, in the end, you have a wonderful, precious, sweet little baby!  Anything is worth it for that outcome.

  2. It is scary, awake or not awake. But, probably better than being under general anesthesia. If you do happen to need one, just remember that you wont be alone, you can have your spouse/partner or any other person there with you by yourside, and the doctors and nurses are there to reassure everything is ok. In the end you will have your little blessing to look forward the most!

  3. All I can say is don't worry to much. I had a C-Section 7 years ago and it wasn't all that bad...the only thing I was terrified about was the needle going on my back,but believe me once u want the baby badly to come out, you won't feel it much.

    Now being in the moment of the surgery you don't feel it, you just feel uncomfortable because they are working around your body, so it may feel like if your baby was moving and kicking alot... I can't really explain that part.

    So After the surgery believe me once u see your baby it's a whole new story, you might need to be in the hospital for a couple of days, and I might recommend that after the surgery immediately the next day start walking if they let you, tis helps the healing process of the surgery, and puts everything in place, NORMAL. It may bother you the pain for a couple of days, maybe a week but after that you will be more than fine. Just make sure you tell them to make a very fine insicion to have a very small and fine scar. Cheers and good luck...Congrats with your baby!!!!

  4. I was just like you - and I ended up with a C-section.

    To be honest, and I really hope this isn't too offputting, if you get to the point that you need one, you won't care. I'd sworn blind nobody was EVER going to put a needle in my spine - but when it came to it, it was a far better option than carrying on in the sort of pain I was in. Same with the C-section. I really hadn't wanted one, but when it got to the point that I needed one, I knew I needed it and it was like "give me the forms quick and get this baby out of me!"

    It's okay. Lots of people and some odd sucking noises. You can't feel or see anything. It's absolutely no worse than a trip to the dentist. It does take longer to recover from, of course...but that's just the way it is. When it comes to it, it's not terrifying the way you expect it to be.

  5. I understand your fear, but they perform these surgeries millions of times per year.  You are awake, but you are frozen from the chest down.  You can feel pressure and you can feel them pull the baby out, but that's it.  The hardest part is recovery.

  6. I was very scared when i had to have mine done. But once i got into the surgery room and they put a sheet infront of me so i wouldnt have to see what they where doing and my aunt was beside me talking to me the whole time and a bunch of doctors and nurses i felt at easy once i saw all them and started talking to my aunt about different things other then what was going on. As for the pain afterwards i was one of the lucky ones. lol the pain was less then my normal period pains. I have real bad cramping when im on my period. Just have someone you want there to talk to you about other things while your in there to keep your mind off what is really going on. Good Luck

  7. Don't be scared!!! I was so scared too. I had never have any surgery or major drugs EVER! Everything went fine. I was just happy my daughter was there and alive. If it wasn't for the C-section she would have died.

    You don't feel anything but some light tugging, and you can't see what is going on. They do millions of C-sections a week without any problems.

    when they told me I had to have one I took a moment to myself. (kicked everyone out but my husband and mom) and just cried. Then my birthing assistant (we hired one) came in and told me "this is not about you anymore sweetheart this is about your little baby. You will be fine" And I was over it. They took me and before I knew it (about 12 min) I had a crying little girl. They lifter her up and I got to stroke her hand and give her a kiss. You will be fine. Read as much as you can about (try not to on the internet, because people LOVE to tell horror stories.) Good luck and congrats

  8. why did your friend bite you?

    that's just weird.

  9. If you are in labor that long that they decide to do a c-section it isn't going to matter to you cause you are going to be so tired from contractions that you will be happy to do whatever it takes to get that baby out and be done...they can give you some meds that will make you sleepy so you are awake but not really aware of whats going will be ok..I have had 2 c-sections and the first time you have to stand up and walk hurts worse than any part of the surgery...the only thing you will feel is when they put the spinal in which hurts some and some pulling and tugging and some pressure other than that you won't feel any pain...

  10. dont stress, i was freaked out too but it was fine, the worst part was all the shaking, i was vibrating the whole table! no pain, just a lot of pressure and you dont see anything gross. your so numb that you cant feel anything! and the recovery was great for me, they give you all the neds you need and take very good care of you. i personally loved my experience (mine was emergency after 40 hours of labor)

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