
Terrified of airplanes?

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Im going to cancun for spring break and my mom has bad expiericnes with airplanes. When she wwent on one, her ears hurt sooo bad during the WHOLE trip! Im terrified my ears will be in like excruciating pain the whole trip! Any tips on how to prevent/lessen the pain?




  1. here are some ways the really work for me:

    1)chew gum



    anythink that envolves moving the jaw. it works

    enjoy and have fun!


  2. ya gum or jolly rancher sumtin like that. dont be scared ur safe. just keep ocupied witha  magazine or music, take a nap and ull be good. d**n ur goin to cancun id be psyched.

  3. There are many things that you can do to make your trip pain free. Before you fly, I reccomend that you buy the following things: Sweets (Chewing gum if you want)

                 A special brand of earplugs called Earplanes.

    Also try to relax. Before you take off open your sweets but dont eat them yet! As you take off, put a sweet in your mouth and suck hard, untill you are up in the air. At this point you should also have your Earplanes in your ears. They stop pressure ecscaping from your ears, therefore keeping them from hurting. They will also keep engine noise out!

    Should these not work, as it has been known, and your ears start to hurt, then put your hand on your nose, and blow through it gently. This forces any extra pressure out of your ears.

    Be warned however, that during descent, more or less everyone will suffer slight ear pain, as the plane rapidly changes pressure.

    Take the Earplanes out (if you used them) AFTER you have disembarked. The cabin will still be pressurised, therefore this can have painful effects on your ears. Always take them out after your exit.

    If your ears still feel a bit numb after you have exited the plane, then yawning usually does the trick.

    Hope you have a great trip!

  4. She could have had a head cold.

    Chew gum, it helps with the air pressure.

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