
Terrified of flying.?

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What can i do ?!

13, terrified of flying.. going on holiday in 1 month .. Help?!




  1. Are your parents aware of how afraid you are? You could always ask them if you can see your doctor for this- the point being that the doctor could prescribe a very low-dose anti-anxiety medication for you to use ONLY for the flight portion of your trip. It would be relatively inexpensive and would have little harm associated with it. I suggest this because I know people who are absolutely terrified of flying and unless you have months to prepare by seeing a specialized therapist to 'desensitize' you- you can rely on the usual things to keep you occupied while flying: listen to calming music, learn relaxation techniques at home before you go and PRACTICE them, read, watch a funny movie, squeeze you seatmates hand during take-off.

    Out of curiosity- what frightens you so much? Fear of crashing? Flying is the safest mode of travel. So don't waste time worrying about that!! Afraid of turbulence? I have flown probably close to 40 times and have rarely encountered turbulence that lasted longer than a few seconds. Actually- outside of taking off and landing- flying is very boring!

  2. Just stay calm and pray.

  3. don't worry about it....bring plenty of things with you to keep you occupied. Depending on how long the flight is, there might be movies as well. Just think to yourself how much fun you will have when you get to your destination. Also bring gum for your ears. Flying is really fun, so don't worry, you will enjoy it when u r there! Make sure your parents are aware of your fear, because they can help you. flying patches work help you sleep through most of it!!
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