
Terrified of going to the bathroom at college

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Alright this is really embarrassing but I am leaving in 10 days and need help! I am going to college and I will be living in a suite. I will share my bathroom with three other girls. I have always been nervous to use public bathrooms of any sort, but I have finally gotten over the fear of being able to pee.

For lack of a better way of putting it, I am still terrified of taking a c**p. I am afraid of my suite mates hearing it, or them needing the bathroom and I am taking a long time. I'm afraid of the toilet clogging or making the bathroom and our rooms (since they are connected to the bathroom) smell really bad. Any advice?




  1. lucky you....Just one bowl inthe bathroom........

    a little radio in the bathroom and the sound is gone.....a plumbers helper(plunger) and no clogged bowl,

    some lysol. give it a shot when you leave....

    keep some extra paper under the sink so you don't run out..

    4 years of will will b a good time in your life.....

  2. This is normal. that freaked me out for a while too.

    just try thinking of relaxing thoughts.. or maybe come up with an imaginary place that youll go to on the toilet.

    for example..  picture your bathroom at home, or mabye your dream house or something.

    and it's not like your the only one in the worls who does this.

    -buy air freshener

    - and if it starts to smell just flush

  3. You think that is bad try working at an Eng. firm with a bunch of old men with serious bowl movements.  You will get used to it believe me especially when it happens right next door to you.  I seriously thought some of these engineers needed some medical help after hearing them in the next stall.  You will get over it believe me.  I keep the faucet running while you are in there and make everyone contribute to buying a plunger and store it in the bathroom.

    Good luck!

  4. All of the previous advice is great.  Just know that in no time you will probably be best friends with the three girls.  Best friends look beyond all of those types of issues and just have fun.  Believe it or not, they also will have to take a c**p.  Confront the fear head on and announce to them, "I have to take a c**p" (or any other way your want to announce it).  They will say "thanks for sharing' and get over it right away.  Bring along a spray can of air freshener.  Everyone will use it.

  5. Turn the sink on and invest in some air freshener. Oh, and "courtesy" flushes are good too.

  6. For reasons I won't go into, if you light a match quickly while doing your business, no one will smell a thing.    

    The flame "burns" the gas right out of the air.  

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