
Terrified of miscarriage... ?

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I am exactly 10 weeks pregnant and had my first ultrasound Monday. My OB saw a heartbeat and said everything looked fine, however I'm soo scared that I'm going to miscarry. I've never had one and no one in my family has either, but I just can't shake the fear! Has anybody else had these unfounded fears and if so, how did you cope with them?!




  1. been there. you just have to pray and tell yourself everything will be ok. you don't want to think about it too much or speak it into existence, but i just had my first baby this year and i too was terrified, so i understand.

  2. Every mom has that fear. In fact, miscarriage is not that common. Only you need to fear about is your job, budgets and stillbirth (a baby dies during labor)

  3. nbbvn

  4. the doctors would know something was wrong right away when they look at the ultrasound. just take it easy and dont stress im sure everything will be fine

  5. Your almost in the clear @ 10 weeks.  You will get over this fear soon and then it will just be something else (most likely).  Your going to be fine and so is your baby.  I went through the same thing.  I think it's just natural to worry.  Good luck girl and hang in there.  :)

  6. Yes hun this feeling is  very normal... I'm due in 4 days and I'm still scared that I will have a miscarriage.  That is a good feeling though it mean you love ur baby and you care. You are going to be a good mother. Don't worry your baby will be fine. Good luck and congrats!

  7. It is totally normal to have these fears during pregnancy. However, if they seem to overtake your daily activities/thoughts you need to let your doctor know. They will be able to help you cope. Once you hit 12 weeks your chances of miscarriage are much lower. Good luck and congratulations!

  8. Pray, handing it all over to God.  He's the one who created this beautiful Human Being as a gift to you.  

  9. Please don't be scared. After seeing your baby's heart beat, your chances of miscarriage are much lower now =)

    When I first got pregnant, I was so scared of miscarrying. I read all the stories and all about it. . and sadly, I miscarried. I was stressing so much about it. I don't think that was the cause of my miscarriage but it wasn't good for me to do that.

    Please, enjoy your pregnancy, don't be scared. I'm sure you are fine! You saw the baby's heart beat. . be happy, some of us never did =[. If you want, you should rent/buy one of those home dopplers to hear your baby's heart beat all the time! I have a few friends who had one and they were awesome!

    Good luck and ENJOY YOUR PREGNANCY! =D

  10. I have had four miscarriages (no one in my family had one either).  Unfortunately, according to my doctors, there is nothing you can do to prevent one if you are going to have one.  It's a misconception that once you see/hear the heartbeat, you are past the danger of having a miscarriage.  My doctor told me that was true when they were simply using stethoscopes to hear the hearbeat, but now with the sophisticated level of instruments allowing them to hear the heartbeat so much earlier, it's just not true anymore.  

    The longer your pregnancy continues, the more your chances diminish.  As long as you are taking care of yourself, taking your vitamins, and seeing your doctor, you should be fine.  Don't smoke or drink (which I'm sure you already know).  Whenever I am plagued by an unwanted thought, I put a rubber band around my wrist and whenever that thought pops into my head, I snap the rubber band hard.  After a couple days, I am not thinking that thought as much and sometimes it's gone completely.  I know it sounds goofy, but it really works.  Good luck!

  11. my first pregnancy i had a m/c at 3months.. now im pregnant again and was scared i was going to have one again.. all you can do is pray, eat healthy and take your prenatal vitamins.. dont worry and stress about it too much because that can cause a miscarriage

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