
Terror strikes Bangalore ? why ? what is their target ?

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Terror strikes Bangalore ? why ? what is their target ?




  1. Dear Friend,

    It was to create panic in the city.


  2. i think it is a followup from jaipur.  But, i don't think it is a threaten to I T development of the city.  it is a threaten to india by another country or by the muslim terrorists.  The real matter will come only after detailed investigation.

  3. Target is to create terror but low intensity blasts. is mostly normal and peaceful.

  4. they don't like india developing...they are happy to see india as a third world country. so, they are doing like this to scare the foreign investors in india. they think, many foreigners won't invest in india, as they will be scared of such things(TERRORISM) and  india's economy will go down. WE SHOULD NEVER  LET THIS HAPPEN!

  5. I think it would be the handiwork of either LeT, SIMI or HuJi to create panic in the city. It happened in Ahmedabad today (26th July 2008) as well.

  6. What / who else ??

    Earlier, the Scientists' conference in IISc campus was targetted, now the IT hubs. The perpetrators  ( need I name them ?) want to dissuade international participation in IT progress in  India / Bengaluru.

  7. Sorry Mr.tamil from vellore, how u can tell Bangalore strike is Muslim terrorist ,

    Islam is, no doubt, a religion of peace for the nations of each and every religion or community, but unfortunately some western leaders, politicians including their media supported by the US and Jewish & BJP lobbies have started anti-Islam propaganda in the aftermath of the September 11 tragedy, instead of studying this latest religion of the world positively. Infect all this is part of a conspiracy against the Islamic world.

    so that i can say:

    why not BJP hand is may be involed in this attack!

    or shive sena may be involed,

    u see who ever is that have done their religione is only terrorisam, not Muslim not hindus & not chiresten

  8. This kind of question about a recent event is going to generate a lot of idle comments, uninformed speculation and flame wars.

  9. A series of low intensity blasts on friday rocked the southern and central parts of bangalore.  Bangalore police commissioner told press persons that miscreants had triggered the blasts to 'disrupt the peace'  in the city.  There is no  chance for any hard core terrorist groups was involved in the blasts, and there is also no motivation aiming IT developments..but, as tamil..vellore pointedout, the matter will comeout only after detailed investigation.  The hon chief minister also announced after cabinet meeting that no hardcore terrorist group was involved. i read in the hindu that the blasts underline continuening threat and the investigators will focus on simi trained karnataka jihadists.

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