
Terrorism: Is all this scare about Bedouins just hype?

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In book 1984 it stated correctly "The State always needs an enemy." USA hasn't been attacked. USSR went away. So why are we spending a $Trillion on military and $3Trillion Federal budget?

For that kind of money we could have had Starship Enterprise.

Instead we get the dog and pony show of our election.

Is this bread and circuses? to keep the masses stupified?

We have known since 1967 that Arabs can't fight. This is the new enemy?




  1. yes I believe its a distraction tecnique. Also in the back of my mind i wonder if they arn't trying to spend the world's oil reserves just as fast as possible , how much do we use daily on these wars? I sometimes wonder.

  2. No.

    Don't think so.

    It's real out there.

    Decode this lyrics " If you don't know me by now"

    Those who created the mess.

    Luke 21.8-10

    Do not even know how they created it in their own backyards without being aware in kicking the butts of their own children.

    Luke 8.5-8,10-17

    Keep on hollering " Find the root cause"

    Luke 9.25.55-56,60

    Getting themselves kick on the butts as casualty of the dead Mummy in not worshiping God with all the cheap-skate glory in idol worshiping the dead Mummy of failures and horrors of the past as success with their self lack of knowledge being unable to solve the mess created in own backyards.

    Luke 6.39-40,41-45,46-49

    While others were at loss and blurr on what went wrong out there.

    Leviticus 26.30-41

    What do you think?

  3. Uh dude,

    Did you forget;

    The USS Cole

    The Marine Barracks

    the 1st attempt on the WTC


    They don't need to "fight" conventionally.

    They just need to die in the same old way...

  4. No real enemy as humans control the planet and need not fight over it. The Human Right to own the planet and conserve natural resources could make what already is official. These Human Rights as part of national Constituitions might help.

    The statement about Arabs not being able to fight is something The French Foreign Legion might differ on. Lawrence of Arabia might have some opinions on that as well as he was sent there to get them to fight during WW1.

    The armies that Israel fought were not Arab or at least not from a place with that name. The amount  spent on armies was not as much as it could have been at the time as military spending is not popular at the best of times among citizens.This is not to say the war was a good idea.

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