
Terrorism is a kind of patriot ??

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terrorists have their own country. However, they are losing their country; and they are colonized by another country. So they do not accept this fact. And they try to terrorize to against the enemy. What do u think about this ?




  1. There's a difference between insurgency and terrorism. Terrorism is the wanton slaughter of innocent people for the purpose of demoralizing them or advancing the terrorist's ideology (or both). Insurgency (like you have discussed here) consists of combative actions that have their roots in hatred of perceived invasion or forced government. Though, insurgency or rebellion can of course be rooted in true patriotism... It depends on the context.

  2. Thats the basic idea I think. I remember hearing a saying "one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter"

    But there are others who just do it in the name some dumb principle such as who is right and who is wrong.

    Most terrorist I've heard about do it to assert their religion into the public which I think is a very pointless thing to do.  

  3. It all depends on your perspective. To one side (their own) they are freedom fighters, to the other they are terrorists. Where it all falls apart is a situation such as Northern Ireland, where the majority of the indigenous population wanted to remain within the UK, rather than be in the republic who laid claim to the territory.

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