
Terrorists killed 16 Chinese police as the Olympics approach. Can anyone guess the terrorist's religion?

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Terrorists killed 16 Chinese police as the Olympics approach. Can anyone guess the terrorist's religion?




  1. what u trying to provoke? best to not bring up politics or religion in conversation its a controversial subject!

    The terrorists are bad people who use their religion in the wrong way, they will be punished in other ways i hope! You must not condemn all people because of them, are we living in a world where everyone is equal i'm sure if every member of that religion was bad, then the world would be in a bad way, because its one of the biggest religions in the world!!

    Get some knowledge before making generalizations about things, your opinion is wrong! xx

  2. Terrorists have No Religion

  3. Islam is what's being reported.

  4. Buddhist?

  5. Like it matters.

    A bomb doesn't have a religion. It just kills.

  6. Of course.  They are Muslims.

    As just about every terrorist in the world today is.  But that is all a coincidence.

    The story you refer to is summarized as "Islamists kill 16 Chinese policemen four days before Olympic opening."

    The attackers are said to have driven up to a border post near Kashgar, in the Muslim region of Xinjiang, in a rubbish truck and thrown two grenades before attacking the policemen with knives. The post, 4,000 km from Beijing, is on the border with Tajikistan. No group has claimed the attack.

    A Chinese army officer has warned that the Islamic separatists of the province, the East Turkestan terrorist organization, are the biggest danger to the Olympics.

    Last month, the Turkestan Islamic Party claimed to have blown up buses in Shanghai and Yunnan killing five people. In a videotape, the group claimed responsibility for those attacks and threatened the Olympic Games.

    World, Look Out!!

  7. It's not real difficult to figure it out, is it?

    Well, not to difficult for those of us who are willing to recognize the real world for what it has become.

  8. they are muslum  but i think they are nuts that have bent there religon to an extreme that lets them do this. i have never met a muslum but i beleive if i did i wouldnt discriminate or fear them but only ask this question how do these nuts think that god is going to give them somthing for killing his children.

  9. Their religion is not the issue in this case! This is about their ethnicity and their desire to be free from chinese government oppression.

    I do not condone the taking of lives in this way, I do understand their motives however. Oppressed people will ultimately strive to break free.  

  10. Muslims are people of the same God as Jews and Christians, the fact that some extremists have decided to commit acts in the name of Allah is a black eye for all Muslims, but for Christians too.  Not only has God not told us to kill each other He told us specifically not to.  Muslim extremism is the flavor of the month, before that is was communists, etc.  Muslims are peace loving, religious people with a firm belief in love and harmony.  There are such a small proportion of them perpetrating these acts, but they make big news because the media loves fear tactics, especially if it can be directed towards people that look and pray different from us.  Bin Laden and Al-Qaeda no more speak for muslims than Fred Phelps or the religious right speak for Christians.  Do the research and realize extremism and islam are not the same thing.......

  11. While I don't think they know for sure yet, it is apparently in a predominately Muslim area... known to have periodic acts of violence against the Chinese regime. If it turns out to be Muslim, for once they may have a point. I guess even a broken clock can be correct twice a day.

  12. religion does not matter what matters is the fact that people are so desperate to be free that they are willing to resort to violence.  

  13. LOL The funny (and pathetic) thing about people like you is 20 years ago you would have been calling this an attack by freedom fighters on the dread commies. Which, by the way, is exactly what it was. What the Chinese are doing to their minorities is deliberate cultural/ethnic genocide, it's no surprise that people are fighting back.

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