
Terrorists scarring innocents. Are we cowards?

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Handful of terrorists are scarring the whole world and almost all the governments are helpless. The innocents are killed.Are we , the citizens cowards? Cant we protect our people?




  1. There ia s problem............................

    we are not cowards but the Government is...

  2. It depend on who "we" are. The 1999 NATO Jihad against Yugoslavia was an unjustified terrorist action. Serbian citizens stood on bridges across the Sava and Danube, though they knew they might be "collateral damaged", so they were obviously not cowards. Afterwards there were terrorist attacks against Jewish targets in the USA, some American Jewish officials boasted that "they were not afraid", and I knew they were extreamly afraid. And true enough, after the beginning of the "Al Aksa Intifada" in Israel, many American Jewish parents refrained from sending their children to Yeshiva Universities in Israel. But then came "9.11", and they realized that it is hard to hide from terrorists.

  3. If we leave it up to the persons running the USA to protect us, that's being cowardly and foolish. Especially being that they are the ones who have caused the most harm to the American people.

  4. No we are not cowards, we must unite and destroy the handful misguided minority so that all of us live in peace. Concerted effort and dedicated actions are required to be taken on strong footing to dispel the fears among the general public and motivate to participate in exposing such nefarious designs of diseased minds.

  5. terrorists are cowards that is why they hide behind masks, hate, rhetoric, women, and children. As far as governments are concerned I believe that most are being hindered by each other and themselves. It's also hard to find a needle in a haystack of innocent fodder.

  6. let's retaliate, and kill all muslims.

  7. No, we are not cowards. But we do not see the enemy, hence can't retaliate. And very often, unfortunately, we end up retaliating against the community to which we perceive the terrorists belong. If anyone is coward, it is the terrorist who strikes from hiding.


  9. YES, THE CONGRESSIES & PSEUDO SWith one stone, the jehadis have killed so many birds--

    1. celebrated their god mother Sonia 's victory in Parliament Poll,

    2. gave bad name to BJP Govts of gujerat &K'taka,which want to reimpose POTA on poor terrorists,

    3. Dissuaded foreign IT investors from India/ esp. B'lore, and

    4. killed a few non believers , mainly hospital patients,women & children.

    UPA feels that all muslims sympathise with jehadis, & if their Govt does'nt punish them, we shall vote for congress.

    Sorry, but this is wrong, most of the educated Muslims see through this masquerade of UPA, we WONT vote for them ever hereafter


  10. this you must ask the govt.....

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