
Terry Wogan has launched an astonishing attack on the BBC saying that it is no longer the best in the world.

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  1. I have lived for 28 years and I have never heard anything Terry Wogan has done described as 'astonishing' before. You live and learn people, live and learn....

    I might go and have a lie down somewhere...  

  2. i totally agree,!!

  3. talk about killing the golden goose, he works for the BEEB takes their shillings and now stabs them in the back, oh wonderful, hypocrite. The BBC have not been good for years, its over staffed, has too many jobsworths, too many untalented people who present programmes, and like the Olympic coverage totally overmanned, and get rid of most i would say. and scrap the effing licence fee, which is one major rip off fee.

    Jonathan Ross   £18 million, Wogan £  millions, and however many hangers on

  4. If  the  BBC digitises  and  the  licence  fees  go  up,  who's  going to  pay?

  5. I think he said that when he joined the BBC its staff did not mind being paid a little less than staff at commercial stations like ITV, because they knew they were part of something special but that that may no longer be the case. He is probably right; some of the shine probably has worn off the BBC but I still rate them higher than any other UK broadcaster.

  6. And guess who helped to bring down the tone of BBC's broadcasting? We did a most unprofessional job MCeeing the Eurovision Song contest, slagging it off but pocketing the fees?

  7. he is right. there is nothing special about the bbc except for the rediculous tv licence fee which we have to pay.

    he is also perfectly entitled to have an opinion about it . just because hes worked for them it doesnt mean he should be loyal to them

  8. Yes the beeb seems to have lost its direction still a little better than the abortion that is ITV

  9. Terry Wogan is a fat has-been he gets millions £s for spinning a few discs on radio 2 its about time the BBC  pushed him under an express train

  10. yes i do he spot on :)

  11. 1.  It isn't an attack, it's called voicing an opinion.   So he doesn't think the BBC is the best any more for broadcasting.   Well with sitcoms like My Hero and My Family, news that is reported in ways that justify it, reality TV like, Last Choir Standing, I have to say, I tend to agree.   I watched River Police last night (because it was on); suggestions to obey the police (state) when it comes in.   I watch more US SCI-FI DVDs these days and even these have blatant suggestions of what is to come.

    2. The Eurovision Song/Dance Contest.

    What a waste of time.   Plus it postponed Doctor Who.   Even that is riddled with suggestions.

  12. To an extent, it has tried to emulate and directly compete with commercial TV, forgetting that it has a unique charter. It has abandoned Rethian values that made it so admired, and has become enmeshed in the cult of personality that it rejected for so long.

  13. After the scandal of falsifying competition results and imaginary winners, I truly believe that Terry Wogan has a point. The BBC set the standard for broadcasting and now it's history is tarnished.

  14. I believe that the BBC is still better than most, but it's reputation is severely tarnished.

    Part of the problem is the "dumbing down" of content, in an attempt to maximise viewing figures.  This results in a watering down of serious programmes and not providing in-depth detail.

    An example of this is Panorama.  It used to be a flagship investigative programme, tackling often difficult issues.  Now it's more like light entertainment, similar to ITV's Tonight show.

    I have also noted that some newsreaders don't even wear ties any more.  Disgraceful.

  15. In my opinion it has never been the best in the world. It has always been over priced and not terribly entertaining.

  16. any company that robs its viewers cannot be classed as the best in the world, the BBC has been run by a bunch of **** heads for long enough, terry wogan is right , and he should know he's had enough experence...J

  17. yes i do i think that all r channel 1 to 5 r s.h.i.t. :)  

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