
Tesco's diagnosis machine

by  |  earlier

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Tescos installed a medical machine that for £5 and a urine sample would diagnose any condition.

Wen Jim went with a sore elbow the computer print read "You have tennis elbow, soak it in warm water and avoid any heavy work for 2 weeks."

He was impressed with this and wandered if he could fool the machine, so me mixed tapwater with dog poo and urine samples from his wife and daughter, and pleasured himself into the mixture. The next day he tipped the mixture into the machine and the computer printout said:

1. Your tapwater is too hard, use softener.

2. Your dog has ringworm, give it antibiotics.

3. Your daughter is on cocaine, get her to rehab.

4. Your wife is expectin twins, not yours, get a lawyer.

5. If u keep playing with yourself your elbow won't get better

Thankyou for shoppin at Tescos.




  1. Lol good one :) we need that machine...

  2. lol that is one smart machine

    great joke

  3. hahaha omggg this just made my day.

    where can you buy that machine? lol JK JK

    AWESOME joke. it was great

  4. LMAO! That was pretty good!

  5. THAT same joke was mailed  to me a week ago

  6. anyway i got myself a lawyer

    and have stopped playing with myself

    by the way the elbows a lot better thanks

  7. boring

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