
Tesco food poisoning, how to report?

by Guest64811  |  earlier

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I have had bacterial food poisoning from a Tesco Express sandwich, and would like to know which health department to contact to have the store investigated. Do I need to have the packaging to do this, and, more generally, does anyone have any experience of what, if any, action is taken if I can report it?




  1. Unless you have the original packaging and even a small part of the sandwich, it will be very difficult to prove that the sandwich was to blame. If you have made it as far as a hospital admittance, the health authorities will take it from there. You can contact Tesco themselves and explain that you are convinced that their sandwich made you quite ill. As there is no proof that it's certain, they will probably not give you anything substantial, but may give you a good will gesture to ensure that you continue shopping with them. Hope you are feeling better very soon...

  2. I love Tesco food and eat there many times a week with buying dinner's and lunches there. Never had a problem or the food I get for my family. I trust Tesco food more than the stuff at restaurants,

    I'm sorry to hear you didn't feel well. Can you 100% confirm it was the sandwich? Food illness can take a while and maybe it was something for breakfast. I'd contact your local health dept and report it to them.  

  3. Isn't there always a number or address on the back of the packets saying something like 'If you aren't happy with this product...'. That would be a good place to start. :)

    Good luck. Poor thing :)

  4. you ATE a TESCO EXPRESS SANDWICH? Be happy you're not dead!

  5. Did you wash your hands before you ate it?..after you'd been in a public toilet and touched the door handles, been in contact with an escal-

    ator handrail, picked you nose, scratched your nether regions etc. etc.  Yes, I think you'll need the packaging and the gall!

  6. Your local town hall will help. Can you prove it was the sandwich?

  7. with the majority of food poisoning, its NOT the last thing you ate, go back a day or 2 and see if there's anything else it could have been

  8. One of my relatives had a similar problem.

    What you need to do is have a f***s sample to guarantee that it was a tesco food item.

    Then either contact your local Tesco's (Preferably the one that sold you the sandwich), and file a complaint/enquire, or email the tesco website. Alternatively, you could contact your doctor/etc for more info, I would imagine.

    I'm sure that it tells you a phone number on the back of the sandwich packet that says you should phone it if any problems arise. Be clear that it says you shouldn't have your rights affected.

    Hope this helps :-)

  9. hiya, you have got to have the wrappings it came in,its very hard to prove it without them.they say without them wrappings you could have bought it else wear.i know this is the way they work, because the same thing happened to my husband last year.he was sure he was dying,and unwell for 3 days with food poisoning.always keep receipts and wrappings for 24 hrs when you buy sandwiches/pies/any take away.that's what i got told by health dept.

  10. ring your local environmental health dept

    and then ring tesco grocery home shopping  

  11. By the time you go through all the processes - you'll first and foremost need a bit of the sandwich you allege caused the problem which you no doubt haven't got, I doubt if the packaging will show any bacterial growth of the kind you are accusing them of having, so at best, as a matter of "customer care" you might get a refund.

    On the other hand, if they take your word for it and have some REAL tests done on the packaging and find nothing except the possibility that you didn't keep the sandwich pack in suitable conditions or even that you had dirty hands when you ate it, then you'll be responsible for all their costs!

    Unless you can be ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN that your illness was caused by them - and are able to prove it - then I'd stick for a refund or a couple of free packs.

  12. I thought that the doc had to report all suspected food poisoning to the health authorities, and they deal with it. I could be wrong but check with your Doc.

  13. Report to youre local environmental health or contact tesco via email, they might offer you a payout x

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