
Tessa Jowell said she shall show China how Olympics should be done. do you think she can deliver ?

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look , big-headed hot-aired Tessa is talking...




  1. yer i reckon we can pull it off

  2. HA HA ha hhhaaa hahahhhhhaaaaaaaa

    hhaa aahh oooooooooooooooooo

    ha jha ho hohnhh oooo

    Please stop hahhhaaa ho haahoooooooha.

  3. I have exactly the same amount of trust in what she says and her ability to deliver on her promises as I do in every other Labour politician. Zero.

  4. No i think she was being bravely optimistic, China have shown the world how the olympics should be done, LOndon will show how the Olympics should not be done. From brilliance to rubbish fish and pukka pies! a good old last minute, over-budget mess!

    I can imagine rainy days, slow track no imagination when it comes to designs of stadiums just over-spending and creating a jumbo mess with no direction or organisation just like Wembly stadium, the one thing Wembly could not deliver and that was a good surface to play football in, as a result the surface is rubbish. China have spent much less and still makes stadiums etc look incredibly beautiful.

    I think Tessa Jowell should be mainly focussing on making an olympics that London can be proud of rather than the world coz we are not going to compete with the likes of china or athens but at least we should be able to create something respectable and moneys worth.


    Leona Lewis's lousy preformance is a sign of what's to come!

  6. Talk about keeping up with the Jones's (or should i say the Wong's). Can't we just host the Olympics in our own special way instead of trying to outdo the previous hosts? The Olympics after all is about sport & not who's got the best fireworks display.

    As per usual the British organisers will fall flat on their faces and make us look silly.

  7. We will have a different Government long before the 2012 Olympics so Tessa Jowell will have nothing to do with it, therefore she can promise anything she wishes, in the sure and safe knowledge that she will not be around to deliver, words are cheap, action costs !

  8. I gather from your "question" that you don't like Tessa Jowell.  I am an American and am not particularly interested in British politics.  But, I am confident that Britain will do great hosting the 2012 Olympics.  For one, there is the strength and strong character of the British ppl. Secondly, the Olympic volunteers won't have to take cram courses to learn English.  The Olympics is not about fireworks and drummers.  It's about the sports and I am sure the sports facilities will be great.  Remember, though the "Bird's Nest" was in China, the architects were Swiss.  And the most stunning lighting of the Olympic flame (IMHO) was kinda "low tech"-- the archer shooting the flaming arrow into the cauldron at the 1992 Barcelona games. London2012 will be great!

  9. Labour boasted that the Millenium Dome would be the envy of the world.?

    Show China? show them what?  they started with a budget of 2.7 bill. Then it was 4.5 then 6.2 now its 8.7 ....China spent 20 billion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  

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