
Test Help!!!?

by  |  earlier

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Hey guys, i just today got a 41 on a test because i forgot to transfer most of the questions. And i need to get it signed, can someone tell me what the best way is to forge the test signature. HELP!!!! or else i'll get detention. AND NO STUDIP ANSWERES LIKE "YOUR SCREWED" OR SOMTIN LIKE THAT.




  1. Dishonesty is a bad thing... remember? Do not forge a parent's signature... ever! You bought your ticket, now take your ride... detention.

  2. If that's really what happened, then tell them the truth. If not, you can have them sign it anyway or just take the detention. If you forge, it will come back to haunt you.

  3. Err...this is the homeschooling board.

    If you're homeschooled, won't your mum already know what marks you got on your test because she'll have set the test and marked it? So what are you fretting over? Whose signature are you thinking of forging? Your mum's? I reckon she'll realise when she sees it's been signed and can't remember signing it!

    And how on earth are you going to get detention from your mum? Or do you mean you'll get sent to your room or something? Or time-out?

    Your question does *not* make any sense to me.

    'Course if you're not homeschooled, you're asking in the wrong place. It'd make heaps more sense for you to ask your question on the high school board (or primary school board depending on what year you're in).
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