
Test Was Negative... Still doesnt explain where my period is!?

by  |  earlier

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i took a pregnancy test and it was negative. It was a cheaper one but still it said im not pregnant but its the 29th and i have NO period. URG!




  1. i dont think that your period is going to be visiting you every 29 of every month... right? I suggest you just take it easy and wait another week and if it dont come then take another pregnancy test.

  2. Maybe you're just delayed but if you're still in doubt try taking another test.If the result is still negative and you still haven't got your period, try consulting an obstetrician/gynecologist to be sure.

  3. take another test, but not right now. try waiting a day or two. a week is better. and take it in the morning when you wake up your urine is most potent. and i know it sounds really tough, but try hard to not worry about it, cuz the more you worry the worse your situation gets. if your so caught up in thinking your prego , your body can actually make it seem that way even more. causing many missed periods and even a prego type belly. mind over matter. the brain is very powerful!!

  4. Well no period could be numerous things....your body could just be changing a regulating which will cause delayed/absent periods, you could have a type of problem with your ovaries or uterus like PCOS (PolyCycstic Ovarian Syndrome, or numerous other things....if you miss more than one period, you should make an appointment with your doctor cause something could be wrong. I've had times where I missed one period here and one period there and my doctor had jsut informed me that sometimes our bodies go through phases and it's normal to sometimes do this, but not all the if you miss more than one period at a time (say three in a row!) then you need to talk to the doctor.....good luck!

    P.S. just because one test says negative, doesn't mean your not pregnant...just so you know

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