
Test drive?

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when taking a test car if there is only one salesman at the garage would he shut up shop and come with you or just ask you to leave something of value and let you go by yourself?

how long should you test drive for also? 30 mins or 15 minutes

and are there any special things you should do? rather than just drive it up the road?

should you do manoeuvers? 3 point turn to see how it handles it? also reverse, emergency break?





  1. If it's a small garage, it's perfectly possible they'd shut up shop & come with you. Some garages will let you take the vehicle yourself, but this is understandably pretty rare.

    I would expect a test drive to last 15-20 minutes, but if the salesman's with you, I wouldn't worry about how long you've been unless he starts complaining to you!!

    You can't gauge a car's handling from doing a 3 point turn, put you can work out how manoeuverable it is, how light the steering is, whether you can see well, etc.

    You should take it on the open road to see how it performs, in town to see if the controls are well weighted (A heavy clutch or stiff gearbox can quickly become a pain).

    I would poke, press, prod, any switches, make sure everything works & find out why if something doesn't.

    Have a walk round: Does it all look straight, do the panels all match, do the doors, bonnet & boot line up, open & close snugly? Any dents, scratches? Are the tyres in good condition & evenly worn? If not, why not?

    Ask everything: Service history (Ask to see it), mpg, insurance & servicing costs etc.

    A test drive should let you do two things;

    First, you can decide whether or not you want the car.

    Second, it should arm you with some leverage for discount: Not quite the colour you want? Hasn't got aircon? Will they change the tyres for you prior to purchase? Will they touch up the scuffs before delivery?

    Have fun & good luck.

  2. When my wife and I test drove the car she was buying we were left to take the car out ourselves, anywhere we wanted, and to have a good test of it.

    We were out for about 30 mins. and took it about 12 miles or so. When I was driving I was listening for any tell tale noises that may indicate a fault.  While my wife was driving I was delving through the paperwork in the glove box and found an old invoice with the previous owners name and phone number on, so I gave him a ring and we discussed the car's previous life.  We were of course getting a comprehensive warranty from the garage anyway.

    Sometimes the salesman will come with you, so it depends on the garage but don't be afraid to ask any questions.


  3. They will ask you for your driver's license and make a photo copy of it.

    Sometimes the sales person will sit in with you on the test drive and sometimes they don't, it depends on the dealership.  I usually test drive the car for like 15 min or so.

  4. he would ask you to leave somthing. yeah do them things that you said give it abit of stick to see if it makes any noises. take a magnet and see if it sticks to most of the car because if it dosent them it has been filled befor. also get a 1 pound coin and see if it fits in the gaps on the body work if not then it been in a crash.

  5. When we test drove our car, we had the salesman in the back which did my nerves no good at all, I stress as it is about driving someone elses car especially since I had just had an accident. We did about 15 mins each, did no manoeuvres though.

  6. The chances are, most people will drive to a car showroom, so you will leave your car, you may be asked to leave a drivers licence etc.

    15/20 mins should be fine, you just want to get a feel for the car, if it's brand new then just drive it how you would you're own car, take it onto a dual carriage way if there is one nearby, try parking it, is it easy to see out the back?

    If it's not a new car then you want to be listening to the engine, does it make any funny noises - do you hear knocking in any of the wheels? test the clutch -

    Sit in second gear clutch depressed handbrake on. Apply little accelerator, slowly bring up the clutch to the biting point, the car should stall, which means clutch is fine.
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