
Test for HIV antibody sesult is HIV 1 AND HIV 2 negative what does it means?

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Test for HIV antibody sesult is HIV 1 AND HIV 2 negative what does it means?




  1. It mean that when you had your HIV test that you were tested for both HIV1 and HIV2 and that you were not infected at the time of the test. Hopefully the window period was explained to you, that your results go back 3 month from the day you tested. HIV usually shows up 90% af the time after 30 days, 94-96% after 60 days and 99.6% after 90 days.

  2. when your body is exposed to a virus it begins building antibodies to fight it. The test means that your body has not produced any antibodies against the HIV 1 or HIV 2 virus.

  3. You're negative.

    I hate it when people say that you're "clean" if you test negative. I'm positive so does that mean I'm "dirty"?


  4. you need to type in this web site

    herpes and cold sores support forum

    lots of information..

  5. It means you are HIV negative. When you contract HIV, your system generates antibodies and when they are detected, it means you are positive.

    If your test is negative, then you are HIV free. Congratulations!

  6. It means you're clean.

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