
Test help 7 days to go?

by  |  earlier

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hi just wonderered if anyone has any tips to help me pass my driving test on fri 30th may 1st time i am ok with driving just nervous wen traffic is heavy and i struggle to remember everything then oh and my left reverse

live in the uk




  1. Say a prayer and relax

  2. Take your time and communicate...Let those around you know when you want to turn or change lanes - use the turn indicators...The vehicle manufacturers spend a whole lot of money engineering and installing those things...And if you can, use your your arm as well - and give a wave when someone gives you a break...That little gesture will make you feel good, as well as the one who let you in...Make sure that you signal well in advance of where you want to go - a hundred feet on city streets; 1/4 mile on the highway.

    All the best.

  3. Being nervous in heavy traffic may be just a little more than needed.  Call it being aware and prepared for anything and think of it that way.

    If merging into heavy traffic is one of your problems, I may be able to help with that.  The key is in planning, not that you will have a long time to do that.  Look at the traffic you will be merging into as soon as you can.  Look for an opening in it and aim to land in that opening as you get to the main roadway.  This means paralleling the opening and matching speeds on the access ramp.  Suddenly, you will find yourself at the same speed as the other traffic with a space next to you that can be moved into.

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