
Test said Negative but absent period says otherwise?

by  |  earlier

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So i tested last saturday with an EPT in the early morning. It was negative. I waited until my period was due (sunday) and nada... Here it is, Tuesday and nothing still, no cramps or anything... why did i get a negative after no AF and with the past week of sore nipples, motion sickness, and the constant urge to pee?

I'm confused... should I test again?




  1. try testing again but make sure you test with your morning pee. if that still is neg then you might need a blood test from the doctor. Best of luck!

  2. Wait a few days and test again, maybe try first response. I was always at least a week late before getting a positive hpt. GL!

  3. I had all negative urine tests for 2 months and the doctor finally did a blood test because I still had no period and it was positive. It just happens. Female bodies are strange like that. See if your doctor will do one.

  4. same thing with me and it is driving me nuts. LOL I am 7 days late. I know i O'ed from a scan I had on the 12th but no period and BFN. I went yesterday to dr and took blood test and again negative.

    im upset but yet again if i am not pregnant then "where oh where is my period.......oh where oh where has it gone? "

    i would love to be PG. but if im not then bring on the period so i can try again!

    anyone can tell me why they think nagative blood work and nagative?

  5. for sure take another test, some times they are wrong you may not have enough hcg in your pee yet for the test to show,

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