
t******e Cancer, young and needs help.?

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Ok so im 14 and during my yearly checkout, my doctor noticed that i had an extra "mass" in my testicles. He said he thought i had a something that started with an m in my testicles. So i went and had it ultrasounded, and its been like 5 days and the radiologist hasnt called me yet. Im worred that this is cancer. Ive been reading on t******e cancer, and ppl say as long as its early than its fine and ill probably just have my one t******e removed. But wats too late and too early. Like in July i was just feeling around my sack, and i noticed something extra there, but i decided to wait until august when i had my check up. It seems pretty small, just a little bit bigger than a pea. Can this be treated very easily? Im hoping this is just a cyst, but if it is a cancer, is there any way to remove besides removing my t******e?




  1. Go to this link:

    Copied from that page:

    "Testicular cancer usually occurs in young or middle-aged men. Two main types of testicular cancer are seminomas (cancers that grow slowly and are sensitive to radiation therapy) and nonseminomas (different cell types that grow more quickly than seminomas)."

    If you have the second type "nonseminoma" the treatment of choice will be surgery.  The t******e is surgically removed.  A prosthesis can be inserted to match the size of the other t******e.  The scar will most likely be hidden and will fade with time.   Do not worry about deformities.  

    As for sexual function and reproduction, when you are ready for children there is not reason for you not to be able to reproduce.  You will still have one healthy t******e.  

    Just remember that if it is CA you will need to be checked more regularly then the average person for re-occurrence of the disease.

    I just want to say that you are young and it seems like you found this lump early.  It may be a cyst, but if it is CA you can and will recover.  Stay positive, Call you doctor Monday for the results if you do not hear back by lunchtime, and continue to educate yourself.  

    Arming yourself with education is one of the best things you can do!

    Good luck!  Please post back and let us know how you are.  


  2. aww hun sorry to hear your having a hard time..i wish the best for you.

    try not to worry until you find out..more than likely at your age it is just a cys..if it does come back as cancer, which i hope not..unfortuanlly there is nothing they can do except have surgery for it to be removed.  dont worry bout them having to remove it because it is for the best for your health. i know that is alot to take in and you dont want surgery, but try to think about what is best for you and dont let others tell you otherwise. ihope the best for you hun. take care

  3. More then likely its not cancerous because you are so young. It like you said its very small and if it happens to be cancerous chances are that it has not spread because when you where in your physical your doctor would of found more lumps  then one in your "sacks".

    Just remember if you do have it you caught it in TIME! Time is every thing with cancer and you beat it. Most people do not catch cancer in time it it spreads, lucky for you you found it.

    But please dont worry at this point in time, just wait for the results. You should have them in the up coming days. Maybe even tomorrow?

    If you have to lose a "sack", then at least you dont have to lose your life. Losing a sack does not effect sexual performance or size of p***s. Also when your ready to have s*x the girl that you are with wont even care that you are missing "it". She will love you for you.

    (So remember chances are you dont have it.)

    Good luck,


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