
Testicles problem??Please answer

by  |  earlier

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Hi, am 14 and i just noticed a little bumb on my right t******e but it is not the size of a pea its smaller. I am freakout

i think it may be a appendix testis because it is really close to the where i have mines and it is the size of the picture

here is the link

please tell me what u think




  1. Check with the doctor they may have to do an utrasound on your testes.

  2. its probably a pimple or hair coming in, but just to air on the side of caution head to the dr and have it checked out

  3. ok well i dont know much about.

    all dat it needs to be checked.

    or sumthin u could have somethin.

    u dont want i mean like really.

  4. norm. if you j*****f it could be an irritation from rubbing.

  5. See a Doctor "NOW!"

  6. i would definitely seek medical attention, a bump on ur t******e could be a few serious things  

  7. go to the doctor buddy, i realise it's possibley embarrasing, however you need to find out if it is dangerous.Whenever you are concerned about yourself, you need to act. Once you establish what it is ,then you can react and behave in an informed manner.if you must tell 1 of your parents in order to get to a doctor, then you must.

  8. Go to a doctor....there's no way anyone on here can tell you a correct answer. best of luck!

  9. i think its nothing but scince your so worried tell your doctor about it

  10. I would go see a doctor and not mess around with it

  11. It is a little cyst.. clogged pore thing.  All guys have them.  If it gets any bigger see the Dr.

  12. ok That could be bad and it could be nothing

    but if it is bad it is rally bad so get it checked

  13. Go to a doctor, he can check it out.

    If the bump is on the t******e (not the skin, and not the squishy bit on the t******e), you should always get it checked.

  14. There are certain questions that should not be asked of yahoo users... this is one of them. Don't risk it. Go to the doctor.

  15. Not sure go to

  16. I don't quite understand where the "bump" is.  Is it attached to your t******e like in the picture or is it on the skin.  

    If it is attached to the t******e it's normal.  It is the appendix of the testis.  All guys have it and it feels like a "kernel" - you know those small lymph nodes that you feel on your neck when you have an infection?  

    It's a structure that's been left over when your t******e was forming.  It's not supposed to be the size of a pea by the way - is actually much smaller.

    Calm down, it's normal.  But don't be afraid to go to the doctor for things that are worrying you.  It's safer that way.

    Take care

  17. I'm not going to that link because I don't want to look at a p***s. But I think you'll be fine. It's probably a hair that is coming in.

  18. Talk to your dad and ask him. I wouldn't mess around with it. Ask if he could take you to a doctor.  

  19. Listen to me, see your doctor right away, dont be embarrassed, it could be noting, a similar thing happened to me, my doc said it would go away, but to keep an eye on it and make sure it did, :/ But it could be serious, either way, see your doc...It could be just a cyst or w/e its called

  20. you're fine, everyone has that.

  21. lol doctors would be more suited to answer t******e questions.

  22. ok wow im a girl and dat picture looks horrible i think u shud go get dat checked out asap....

  23. Uh ask your doctor not us but maby someone can save you money.....

  24. It's probably just a pimple...

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