
Testing FS4........any last tips?

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Hi, I'm testing Freestyle 4 this afternoon, these are t he elements that I have to do: Loop, 1/2 Loop, Flip, Sit Spin, Backwards Spirals, Dance Step, and The Individual back 3-turns in the Dance Step. Any tips on how I can perfect these elements? Thanks in advance for all answers.




  1. good luck! i am always scared to test, by me trainer just holds my shoulders and gives me his "world famous" pep talks.

    he always says, dont get nervous. and even if you mess up, who cares? as long as you put in the effort and show that even though it wasnt perfect this time, the judges totally see that you really do know how to do that. especially, if you act like you are a master at them, but dont look too cocky. he usually says just laugh it off and keep on that sincere smile, if youre lucky the judge will smile too. besides, at my rink, the judges are all old, washed up skaters who lost theire ankle strength and still are in the figure skating world so they dont have to say goodbye. honestly, when they watch you skate, they are re-living their past as a figure skater.

    dont worry. its totally cool to mess up. dont freak! just get back up fast and totally nail your next element. dont get upset, because that shows the judges that you aren't strong. take kimmie meissner for example, if she doesnt have a good show, she just shrugs her shoulders, never cries, and says "whatever, now i know what to work on, and im going to kick some ice next time!"

  2. i don't know how to help you but CONGRATULATIONS on getting this far

  3. usually when skaters try tests, they get nervous and "loose their knees" the same way they tend to in competition.

    Considering you are trying your test this afternoon, try to stay relaxed. It's not a huge deal. Keep your knees bending and take your time on your elements! Don't rush things because you have a boost of adrenaline running through your system!

    Remember that presentation is key - keep your head up and skate like you KNOW you can do this! If you look unconfident, that feeling passes over to the judges and they get a feeling that you are praying to land it, rather than seeing that you know you can do it.

    Good luck and HAVE FUN!

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