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Mashed potatoes

cell Phone





  1. I'm not sure.I'm disagreeing with Homes on this.Baked potatoes are the way to go.

    Cell Phone-Im waiting for Avery to score a goal and lift the goal up and a cell phone is under so he can call his friends(See Joe Horn)

    Mercury-The most underrated Planet and smallest, also named for the Roman God..The word mercurial is commonly used to refer to something or someone erratic, volatile or unstable, derived from Mercury's swift flights from place to place.So that can absolutely work in this section.

    So all three work...Except for the potato unless talking fries.

  2. THEY PUT HOCKEY AS THE DEFAULT CATEGORY!!!!!!!! That is disrecpectful.

  3. Wonderful... and it'll take a year for yahoo to fix. How the h**l did that happen though?

  4. I've tested it too.  Hockey is the default category if the subject contains a & or a <

    If the subject doesn't have one of those two symbols, then something else will be the default category.

  5. David to answer your question...Mashed potatoes are great.  I once hated them, but then when I was about 21 I decided to go with my friend to get her tongue pierced.  I looked pretty painless, so I got mine pierced, as well.  When they pierced my tongue, they hit a nerve, and my tongue started to shoot blood in a solid stream all over the white walls of the tattoo parlor.  It never healed correctly, and I suffered through an entire month of eating mashed potatoes and learned to love them.  I took the tongue ring out, because honestly it doesn't fit my personality, and I was scared it was going to s***w up my teeth.  

    I traded in my gas powered cell phone recently for a new one, with color!  I really don't even know how to use it, and I am too lazy to read the manual.

    MErcury is one of the worst brands in automotive history.  My friend bought one of those Mercury Tracers about 10 years ago (looks just like an Ford Escort).  The engine was fried after 3 months.  Man, what a lemon.  

    I hope this answers your questions.

  6. I got it......The people at Y/A are eating Mercury laced mashed potatoes while talking on their cell phones.....that explains allot

  7. interesting experiment.  If you just type "Richard Simmons", will it put it under "g*y/L*****n/transgendered"?

  8. & that's Racial  &

  9. 1) good, better with onions in them, best with leeks.

    2) mine has 2 cells, neither are of the brain variety.

    3) good place to get a tan.

    How come I had to place my '&' question in a category by myself. I hardly think this is fair. Make me do all the work !!! Sure !!!!

  10. this sucks

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