
Testing for downsyndrome and spina befida?

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At my doctor's appt. this past Monday the doc gave me some papers to sign for this test. The testing is for downsyndrome and spina befida. I gave the blood for the 1st part of the test and will have to give another tube for the 2nd part on my next appt. It's a intergrated test. I have been reading up on the internet about this testing and the false positives seem to be very high. I'm thinking about not going through with the next test because of the high false positives it gives. I don't want all that extra worry. I want to enjoy my pregnancy and not have to worry about something being wrong with my baby. If it is I will love him/her regardless. I have read alot of q&a about this test on here and there really does seem to be alot of people that have had false positive results. What should I do? I just don't want all of that worry.




  1. Hi.. Im currently 23 weeks pregnant with baby #2 i had that test done at 13 weeks and i kinda regret it now.. You need to think seriously what your dicsision would be if you got a positive back.. I didnt think about that b4 i got the test done and we got a positive we were offered an amnio and after much discussion declined due to the risk of miscarriage.. Even if the amnio had come back positive it would not have altered my decision to have the baby so really it was pointless getting the test done at all.. Would you terminate the baby if your further testing (amnio) came back positive? IF yes get the test done if no then dont bother with the test.. All it has done is put us through alot of stress!! btw my chance is 1:208 and my ultrasound showed no markers so hopefully iam one of those false positives you always hear about!! If not ill accept the card im dealt!! I hope i have helped!!

    congratulations and goodluck!!  

  2. I didn't do these tests with any of my kids. There is basically nothing they can do if they do find that it's positive, it's just that you will know before the baby is born and you can "do something about it", as my doc told me, if you don't want a baby with these complications.  I decided I would love my baby no matter what and that it wouldn't help to do the test (also b/c of all the false positives I've heard about).  BTW I switched docs after she told me that. lol

  3. I am also pregnant with my third child.  I opted out of these tests with all 3.  For us, the end result would be the same, we would have another beautiful child to love and care for.  Given the high number of false positives, I didn't think it necessary to stress myself out.  If God means for us to have a child with some medical problems, so be it.  Go with your gut.

  4. I considered taking the test and my boyfriend wanted me to but honestly, I just didn't want to. Knowing that there are so many false positives and the test could very well be wrong - I just figured what is the point? Imagine if the test came positive and you spent the last months worried to death only to find it was wrong... or if the test came back negative only to find out after birth there is something wrong?

    I just weighed the odds of it and decided not to do it. If there is something wrong, I will deal with it when they can tell me for sure there is something wrong... until then, I am trying hard to not stress about anything.

    However, it's every woman's own decision and you need to do what is right for you.

  5. this test is only a screening test, which means it isn't diagnostic. It only measures the possibility of down syndrome and spina befida by screening for suspicious looking abnormalities in the blood. I think only around 2-3% of women get a result suggesting that there is a raised chance of having one of these and i think only around 2-3% of THEM are actually accurate. Many things can make the test come back saying that your baby may be a higher risk such as your age, how far on or early in the pregnancy you have the test (as your due date is only a guide, it may be taken too early). I had the test done and felt exactly the same way as you, but due to my fiance being insistant on us having the test i went through with it. All came back clear. Remember if you do get a result that says there may be a heightened risk you can then have a scan to detect whether there are any abnormalities, and then if that is in conclusive you are given the opportunity to have a amniocentesis (which isn't for all women as there is a very small chance of miscarriage by carrying out this procedure) but is a diagnostic test and can give a true reading to stop any worrying and uncertainty. (this is also a sure way to tell the s*x of your baby.)

    I hope this helps, and please try not to worry too much.

  6. I did the same thing, and I wasn't sure whether to go for the test either. I knew that even if there was a big chance something was wrong I'd still have the baby, and I wouldn't want an amnio because of the risks involved, so on one hand it seemed completely pointless.

    On the other hand though, by doing a blood test myself I wouldn't be risking the baby at all, and it wouldn't change the outcome one bit, it would just prepare me more just in case. So having weighed everything up, I decided to take the test.

    It was a huge relief to get the negative on it - even though I know that doesn't guarantee a healthy baby it does make you feel a lot better and I've enjoyed the pregnancy without so much stress and worry (I'll be 34 when the baby is born and I know that is classed as an "older" Mum and the risks increase with age)

    Good luck with whatever you decide, and remember that it only tells you the chances of Downs Syndrome and Spina Bifida and prepares you for the possibility, it doesn't alter anything in the long run.  

  7. There are a lot of false positives but if you get a screen negative just think of how relieved you will feel!!! Even if you did get a positive, you'll know it's not definite and you can do lots of other tests to find out if anything is really wrong or not.

    I did the 1st trimester screening assuming I'd get a positive because I was told it's virtually impossible for women over 35 to pass, and I'm 38, but I got a screen negative! So I'd say go for it because the news may be really good.  

  8. I had all this done and i dont regret getting it done... it will be some stress of your shoulders as through out your pregnancy you will always wonder- All they did for the tests for me was 1 tube of blood 1 week before the ultrasound. But im guessing every country is different...  

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