
Tetanus booster, and initial injection?

by  |  earlier

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ive recently found my shot records and it says ive had my initial tetanus shot(last ones in in 1985) but i never had one since(one at 15).... going on holiday soon so the nurse gave me a booster, is this going to be enough ?... a bit confused about injections...




  1. Tetanus booster is typically given every 10 years, or for people without a known vaccine history, they give it upon injury with metal, as a precaution.

  2. you need 3 at 1,2 and 6 months to get full immunity- however 1 will at least protect you for the month or 6 weeks at the most

  3. that booster should be fine as long in ten years time you go for another booster. plus if you have an injury involving rotten wood, metal you may need further protection as in another booster but for the moment you will be ok as that booster should last you another ten years immunity.

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