
Tetra problem?

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So, my friend gave me a Glass Tetra today. He knew I had an aquarium with two goldfish in it, and he couldn't tell me at the time what sort of fish he had. The way he described it, I thought it might've been one of those sweet algae eating fish, but instead it was a Glass Tetra.

End of the day, and my two goldfish's tail fins are slightly ripped due to this Tetra nipping at them. Basically, I don't want the Tetra anymore, but I don't know what to do with it. I can't give it back to my friend because he can't take care of it anymore, and he was going to flush it. I don't know anyone that wants a fish, either. I have no money at the moment to buy a new aquarium + filter + air pump, so.. I'm at a loss for what to do. Advice?




  1. Go to your local fish store and see if they'll take it.  Petco or Petsmart or Aquarium Adventure or whatever is in your area.  They'll most likely give you some money for the fish, probably a dollar or so.  

    If you call up all the fish stores in the phone book and none of them will take the fish, then try putting an ad in the classifieds.  "FREE FISH" is a great way to give the tetra to a good home.  

    Because you can't keep that tetra.  Tetras are tropical, and need heaters.  Goldfish are coldwater, and prefer colder temperatures.  They can't both live in the same temperature water comfortably.  Besides, the goldfish are getting their fins nipped.  Give the tetra to a pet store.

  2. you cant really do anything unless you get a new tank to get the glass tetra out. after you do that there is a cheap chemical called TLC. this will most likely heal your goldfish.

  3. Take it to petsmart, petco, family owned fish store.

    They will not give you any sort of compensation.

    Just tell them he's a bully and you dont want it.

    Most tetra's are very territorial and aggressive fish, to be so small!

    I took a guppy back once that was being a bully, but since I didnt have the receipt she wouldnt even trade me out for a Molly!

    She took the fish though, I'm sure they wont mind reselling it to someone else.

    Good luck!

  4. Most all pet stores with fish (even Petco and Petsmart) will take donations, but I'd check with a privately owned store first-- they may be willing to pay a small bit for it (probably less than a dollar).
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