
Texas Gas Service shut off gas for non-payment?

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My roommate neglected to pay the gas bill for about 6 months without saying a word, finally we got our gas shut off. He's acting like its no big deal. I don't really know if its a big deal or not. He's paying all the fees to get it turned on but I can't find out anything about when the gas company will come to turn it back on. Does it take a long time? I'd like to tell him some of the other consequences for this but I don't know them, doesn't it affect his credit since its in his name? Is there anything else the community can tell me?





  1. thedocto... what that link has to do with anything be darn if i know ?

    as long as he pays all the reconnect fees and pentalties should have it on with 2-3 days -it will not effect his credit rating but when ever he wants to set up service he will have bad rating within the company and they will charge all connect fees

  2. go here:

  3. Wow, its different in TX than here (in MA).  Gas companies can't shut off your gas service legally here.. you just keep building up debt with them instead lol.  Im guessing its because if they could shut off service, that people would literally freeze to death in the winter.   TX doesn't freeze- which is a good thing for heating bills, trust me.  

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