
Texas Holdem, If two players are heads up and they both have a flush. But the Highest is on the board? Who win

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there is a king on the board, however one player has a queen of diamonds, the other has a jack of diamonds. But the king is on the board. Is it a split pot? or does it go to the second card?




  1. Nop, the guy who has the queen of diamonds wins the pot. He has a higher all around flush than the one with the jack of diamonds.

  2. The Queen wins.  Here's a long, drawn-out example to demonstrate:

    Board:  AK973, all Diamonds.

    You: Jd 7c

    Opponent:  Qd 8h

    Your "official" hand would be AKJ97 flush

    Opp's would be AKQ97 flush.

    There are 2 ways you might split the pot:

    There's a flush on the board and neither of you have a diamond (then "the board speaks.")

    Or, the diamonds in both players' hands are of lower rank than all of the board cards.

    Board this time AK1086, all diamonds

    You Ah 5d

    Opp Kh 3d

    Again, the board speaks and you split the pot, as you both have the board-hand.

  3. In Texas Holdem poker only 5 cards must be declared either on board  or any of the  cards one is holding. It doesn't matter who is higher holding the cards as long as the highest card is on board. They split the pot.

  4. They both have the king, but the queen counts more than the jack as it plays.  A King-Queen flush beats a King-Jack flush.

  5. The guy with the queen clearly wins.

  6. whoever has the highest card in there hand

  7. The pot is split

  8. A.M is right Q wins he has a king high Queen kicker

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