Texas Rangers’ C. J. Wilson talks strategy after shutting down Tampa Bay Rays 8-0 – MLB News
C. J. Wilson delivered his first career shut-out against the Tampa Bay Rays at Tropicana Field in St. Petersburg on Tuesday, September 6. The Texas Rangers’ ball thrower was pleased with his performance and he offered a few words of enlightenment, after
the game had ended. The Rangers obliterated their rivals in dominating fashion.
Wilson went in to the game with an injured left index finger. If manager Ron Washington was told that the hurler was going to shut-out the opposition, he might have not believed it. The hurler went on to pitch 117 times and though there were moments of distress,
the All-Star ball player pulled his way through. Strategy was his key and he explained his technique in clearing away his problem during the game.
"This whole series of mechanical things you do to throw the ball where you want it, go through the kinetic chain to figure out where something is going wrong," Wilson said. "So if finger is making finger throw sideways, I've got to figure out to do something
else to get on top of the ball. Get on top of the ball, and focus on throwing the ball low."
Wilson clearly toyed with the Tampa Bay hitters. Whenever the opposition managed a single, the hurler wiggled his way out of trouble by inviting hits on double play. To count them all, there were four double plays.
At the end of the day, the Rangers managed to maintain a tight hold on the diamond and Wilson availed his career first shut-out and complete game. The ball thrower ended his game on Tuesday with six strike-outs, three walks and five hits allowed. His ERA
is down to 3.13.
With the departure of Cliff Lee, last year, one would have thought the Rangers to suffer from a lot of rotational problems. That has not been the case yet and Wilson seems to be taking the major role now. It will be interesting to see how Wilson can carry
his winning momentum in to the remainder of the season.