
Texas do you want to be free to be an independent nation?

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I mean, people from texas is cool and special, that cool land has black gold that is stole from other states. TEXAS HAS ALL TO BE AN INDEPENDENT COUNTRY!




  1. Let Texas go, we don't need a state that provides the world with such an IDIOT for the white house. And so what if its "illegal" to secede from the union? When the union no longer has the states interests in mind, well then its time to say Bye! D.C needs us....We, however, do not need D.C.

  2. If texas want to do its own thing, I bet Oklahoma and Louisiana would join them, minus New Orleans that is.

  3. Texas could probably survive very well as an independent nation, but it has no reason to take on the much more expensive responsibilities of defense and diplomacy.

    Besides, didn't 1865 teach you anything? It is illegal to secede from the Union... it's a bit like La Cosa Nostra; once you're in, the only way you are getting out is in a body bag.

  4. no, but i will vote to get california out of the union.

  5. What other states did we steal the black gold from?

    Our state flag is the only one that can legally hang above the US flag.

    We do have all to be an independent nation, we have been before-

    do we want to be? Maybe

    Will we? Nah- you guys need us too much.

  6. Jon R has it in the bag Big Daddy!  You Texas Big Shots have TOO much status for ole Uncle Sam to let go!!!!

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