
Texas hold em addict?

by  |  earlier

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i dont play online for money, but i seem to play an awful lot of it anyways,lol. ANYONE else waste their evenings doing this besides me? hold on., all in...

ewww...not good, not good at all.......




  1. yepp i consider myself an addict. i play on ultimatebet, under the name of Mark Johnston, or SeaWaSP89 . i play freerolls, not real money.

  2. i play a lot but i hate it. sometimes, i only play one hand for 4-5 button passes. a couple times, i got blinded out when my best hands were 92 os.

  3. you will out grow this habit no matter how addicted you may think u are right now

  4. *SIGH* i play it all the time.

    im afraid when im legal il be come really addicted to real gambling.

    i always play on poker stars or PKR not for real money tho.

  5. Where do you play texas hold em on line? Is it free? My hubby was asking me yesterday about a free site? Any body???

    I know then MY hubby will be wasting his time there too. But he is with freecell and spider now anyway. He has to unwind sometime. That is ALL you are doing right?

  6. I play a lot, but I used to play a lot more.  I don't play for real money, but for a long time (about a year) I played poker for hours at a time every day.  I was addicted.  Then I had to start cutting back because it was interfering with my family life (I have a husband and two kids).  I'm much better now.

    That said, I am currently playing in two sit-n-gos as I type this answer.

    I play at PokerStars - and to the first person who answered this question, it is free to play.  I like it a lot and would recommend your husband check it out.
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