
Texas hold em is really giving me some bad beats lately how ?

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How do i over come these bad beats it is almost like no matter what i get it gets beat i had a terrible run today flopped a full house and i was betting every thong pre flop flop turn and it was always 3 times amount of the pot got run down by a guy with pocket queens he caught a queen on the river then had pocket aces i raised 3 times the blind bet on the turn guy called with 2 spades caught a flush i threw my hand away but is there any thing i need to do different or is it just a bad luck spell how long can i expect it to last ?should i just get super tight till it breaks and just play top pairs or what>please help me it is killing me.




  1. On this particular hand, the player decided that you were full of c**p and was going to call you down.  Your opponent either put you on being a bully, or not on pocket aces, or both.

    The punchline is: Holdem isn't a poker game.  Poker games have an element that Holdem doesn't...when people fold, the game changes.  In holdem, no matter what you do, the hand is set from the moment the first card is dealt.  This is the thing that causes "bad beats", because a player will stay when the odds say he shouldn't, and catch the pre-determined card that you had no way to change his chance of getting when the others around you two acted.

  2. First of all, theres not much you can do if you gave your oppenent incorrect odds to call.

    "raised 3 times the blind bet on the turn guy called with 2 spades caught a flush". This is indeed a bad beat, but you will lose 1/5 the time.

    Poker is all statistical. You will always lose sometimes and fish will win once in a while. You really need to look at poker at a completely angle. If you made a good decision, be happy even if you lost. You made a good decision and you will win MONEY in the LONG RUN. I know its hard to feel joyful when u lose, but that has to be your thought process, or else you will constantly feel bad. On the other hand, if you got lucky, chide yourself. See if you made a mistake in the hand. Of course, if you get lucky, it doesnt mean u played the hand bad; sometimes there are hands where you both have to stack off .

    Bad beats can last a while. 20 buyin down swings in 1 month definitly occur to the best. Many people also break even for 100k hands even though they are winning players. That is why its so hard to play poker as a  living.

    To help yourself when you suffer a bad beat do some pushups or fix yourself some cofee. Playing tighter is optional, but it might get frustrating to play so little hands while you're down. I think the biggest problem is that you start questioning yourself. Dont do this. Act on your reads and dont be afraid to make a hero call while stuck 10 buyins. Dont be afraid to make a big bluff if you think your oppenent will fold top pair. Dont QUESTION YOURSELF!

    Lastly, make sure you control tilt. If you dont, you are throwing money away. Stop playing for a week if you need to.

    Im really glad that you are betting your made hands. As you can see worse hands do call so there is no need to slowplay.

    On a final note, im down 10 buyins 4 days ago. Why? Because i suffered two bad beats, then i started playing really bad. Specifically, making too many calls. However, i quit and played the next day. I believed in myself and my play, and im only down 4 now. My confidence is back and i should be up very soon.

    GL TO YOU!

    Ps:i added you to contacts

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