
Texas is in 2nd place in the AL West..?

by  |  earlier

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No offense to the Mariners but their not gonna catch up anytime soon and the A's have lost 6 straight. How long do you see Texas in 2nd and why?




  1. Not too long. The WHite Sox will win 2 straight against them to win the series. :)

    I actually see them maintaining that for the rest of the season. I don't think they will win wild-card or beat out the Angels for first, but with Kinsler, Hamilton, and Bradley, I can see them there for the whole season. Maybe they will overtake LA next season, or maybe this season! Keep an eye out for these 3 players in 3 years:

    Blake Beaven

    Engel Beltre

    Neftali Feliz

    Met all of them. Beaven is super nice, Beltre isn't, and Feliz is nice, but quiet. They should be great players!

  2. They could hold on for a good month or two but I see the A's surging forward

    Beane's a brilliant guy and he can do just about everything...except win a WS

    but of course, Beane needs some good players right now which he doesn't have so the Rangers could hold on longer and maybe get wildcard?

    I dunno

  3. not long because their pitching sucks. i respect their offense, its a scary one, but they need to go out and get a solid pitcher. they are the complete opposite of the A's.

  4. They can finish second by no chance for first.  they have terrible pitching.  i say Oakland takes over second because they are more consistent.  just in a little slump

  5. I think Texas will take second. If they had decent pitching they would be an outstanding team.

  6. Im an A's fan just to let you know before you read this.

    Well the Rangers offensive simply haven't stopped hitting.  I honeslty dont think can hit enough to bump them to first, but i think they have a better shot at 2nd place than my A's.  If they can aquire a solid arm, they an really make things interesting in the West however.

    Nice Avatar btw.

  7. yeah i know... they're certainly crawling up

    why don't ya slow down there, offense needs a break maybe? ;) haha jk jk i knew the rangers were gonna come up to second, second half

    i'm hopin they don't get anny closer.

  8. Well they have been good , their offense is what has carried them and Pitching just sucks, but i think they will stay in second place

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