
Texas school district to let teachers carry guns.?

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I think this is a great idea. id like some opinions




  1. I think this is nuts.  Would you really put your kids in a classroom with a gun-toting teacher?  Especially given how unstable some teachers are?  You would be putting your kid's life at risk.  As a teacher, the chances of the students wresting the gun away from you and using it on you are good, and what happens if they take your gun from you and use it on another student?  You can bet that you would be an accessory to murder!

    Did you see the YouTube video of the debate coach at some university in Kansas who went nuts and mooned the other coach?  And the school had never realized he had an anger problem before!  If he had a gun, that other professor would have been dead.  You don't always know when someone will snap, and it doesn't mean that the students are bad.  In this case, it had nothing to do with students.

  2. I don't think this is a good idea. Not everyone should be trusted with a gun. Letting teachers carry guns is not a good idea. For example, if the teacher gets mad at a student, s/he may threaten them with a gun. For all we know, they may even shoot. As someone who would like to become a teacher one day, I would not want to have the responsibility of carrying a gun. The reason why the U.S. has so many shootings is because guns are so easily accessible. If we limit the people who have guns to law enforcement, etc., I think this country would see a lot less shootings and killings.  

  3. makes sense.  

    A teacher aiming to shoot an innocent student certainly doesn't care about the legality of having a gun in the school in the first place.  

    Which is better.....

    A)  a teacher that stops a school shooting in it's tracks


    B)  a teacher that decided to shoot some students getting an extra couple years onto the life sentence they got for murder

  4. Only in Texas would that ever happen. That is so not a good idea since the teachers are not all going to be the best informed on gun control. I am just amazed at this.  If there are kids at school who the school officials think might start a gunfight at school, shouldn't those kids be expelled and isnt there supposed to be a cop patrolling in the school anyway? That would just cost the school tons of money and provide a more negative atmosphere and restricted learning environment knowing that the teacher has a gun in their desk and has the power to shoot you if you become severely disruptive or if they lose their head. Just a horrible environment to go to school in where the teachers have so little confidence in their students that they carry guns to protect themselves. I'm really glad now that i live in Vermont

  5. Achappy is wrong. This could happen anywhere. Beyond that, I think this is the stupidest idea on earth. The whole reason this is even being suggested when security guards are the norm at our schools is because some teachers out there want the 'feeling of security' that these guns provide. I don't care what those teachers feel like. teachers who want things like that are unstable to begin with and often taking psychiatric medicine to deal with it. They are going to be tempted to use that gun anytime a student makes them uncomfortable, and if they come to school buzzed from their zoloft and screwed up from alcohol the night before that is just what they are prone to do. IT is bad enought that we are having school shooting and armed guards in our schools: we don't need a three way shootout as well.  

  6. What happens if one of the students steals a gun and uses it to shoot a teacher or another student?

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