
Text messaging to a cruise line??

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My girlfriend is on a cruise and i want to text her. Will there be any additional charges? Thanks!




  1. where is she? and no i dont see why there would be any additional charges if its on her cell phone lol if she is romeing then yes there will be lol

  2. over seas and in other countries cell phone service doesnt not work. she probably has it turned off too, because if your phone is just on (and without service) depending on what plan you have, it costs long distance just for it to be turned on.

  3. On a cruise ship generally cell phones do not work. Why you ask - because there are no cell towers in the oceans. So even Roaming doesn't work.

    If by chance your girlfriend reaches a port where service is available, the yes she could get a text message depending on her plan (if she is in another country, but did not opt to get that country's service) she may or may not get a message you sent her. In Mexico, some cities worked on my cell phone, yet others did not.

  4. It probably will not work. My cell phone received no service the entire time that I was at sea. She could either call ship to shore but this is extremely expensive and cost me 38 dollars for a 5 minute call or get a phone card when she gets to a port and call from there.

  5. When I was in Mexico it was about 50cent or so for a text to the US. She may get charged more then you. And dont call her. When my boyfriend called me it was an 80 phone call. lol

  6. Email is best. they have internet connection you pay per minute and its pretty slow last time i was on royal carribean 2 years ago. so try that.

  7. Most cruises have an internet cafe with satelite linkups.  You pay by the minute for access, but this is about all there is for non-emergency communications.  Try going ashore and using your phone, but be prepared to pay huge fees on your bill.

    Besides, she's on vacation, don't bug her.

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