
Texting - abreviations?

by  |  earlier

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What are some abreviations for texing like LOL?




  1. BC because

    LOL laugh out loud

    GTG got to go

    IDK i dont know

    TTLY talk to u later

    JK just kidding

  2. here's some links for you.

  3. Texting Abbreviations

    AAP - Always a pleasure

    ADP - Any Day Now

    AFAIK - As Far As I Know

    AFK - Away From Keyboard

    ASAP - As Soon As Possible

    A/S/L - Age/s*x/Location

    ATM - At The Moment

    B/F - Boyfriend

    B4 - Before

    B4N - Bye For Now

    BBIAF - Be Back In A Few

    BBIAM - Be Back In A Minute

    BBL - Be Back Later

    BC - Because

    BF - Best Friend

    BFF - Best Friends Forever

    BFN - Bye For Now

    BOL - Best Of Luck

    BRB - Be Right Back

    BTW - By The Way

    CU - See You

    CYA - See You

    D/L - Download -or- Down Low

    DIKU - Do I Know You?

    FWIW - For What It's Worth

    FYEO - For Your Eyes Only

    FYI - For Your Information

    G/F - Girlfriend

    G2G - Got To Go

    GB - Goodbye

    GL - Good Luck

    GR8 - Great

    GTG - Got To Go

    HAGS - Have A Great Summer

    HF - Have Fun

    HRU - How Are You?

    IAC - In Any Case

    IANAL - I Am Not A Lawyer

    IC - I See

    IDK - I Don't Know

    IIRC - If I Remember Correctly

    IM - Instant Message

    IMHO - In My Humble Opinion

    IMNSHO - In My Not So Humble Opinion

    IMO - In My Opinion

    IRC - Instant Relay Chat

    IRL - In Real Life

    JK - Just Kidding

    JKBNR - Just Kidding, But Not Really

    KIT - Keep In Touch

    L8 - Later

    L8R - Later

    LMAO - Laughing My *** Off

    LOL - Laughing out Loud

    LTNS - Long Time No See

    M8 - Mate

    MF - Male or Female?

    MYOB - Mind Your Own Business

    NBD - No Big Deal

    NM - Never Mind

    NMP - Not My Problem

    NOYB - None Of Your Business

    NP - No Problem

    OIC - Oh, I See

    OMG - Oh My God

    OMW - On My Way

    OP - On Phone

    OTL - Out to Lunch

    OTOH - On The Other Hand

    OTW - Off To work

    PLZ - Please

    POS - Piece Of Excrement

    PPL - People

    RL - Real Life

    ROTFL - Rolling On The Floor Laughing

    RSN - Real Soon Now

    RTFM - Read The F-bomb Manual

    SPST - Same Place Same Time

    STR8 - Straight

    TAFN - That's All For Now

    TBD - To Be Determined

    THX - Thanks

    TMI - Too Much Information

    TTFN - Ta Ta For Now

    TTYL - Talk To You Later

    UL - Upload

    WB - Welcome Back

    WK - Weekend

    WTF - What The F?

    WTG - Way To Go

    WTS - What the Shizzle?

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