
Texting lingo too weird and difficult?

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I have observed a lot of strange texting lingo on yahoo answers, and I don't know how people do it! I mean, to be honest, it would take me longer to come up with abbreviations for words than to just write out the whole word. For example "Do u want 2 come over 2nite" took me longer to write than "Do you want to come over tonight".




  1. text talk comes naturally to a lot of people. Unfortunately it minimises what they're saying because they come over as rather dim

  2. I agree with you. It does seem to be getting stranger, but have you noticed that the people that use it, most often don't have good grammar to begin with.

    Also, I have noticed that a lot of people don't have good typing skills.

    People get in a hurry and expect you to understand every abbreviation they come up with.

  3. U get used 2 the sortcuts n wen u do u find it quite easy. I only use the basic short text in text messages or IM and I`m  a bit of an oldie!

  4. I don't have any problem with it if you're texting, but using it elsewhere, e.g. here, just looks ignorant. It's probably more laziness than ignorance, but that's how it looks.

  5. IMHO U R 2 rite!  LOL!

  6. No to me it comes naturally sort of..haha. Don't be too frustrated though! :]

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