
Texting while driving?

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Many people text while driving and it's very distracting. I need some facts about why people shouldn't be text messaging while they drive.




  1. dont do it you will enfd up in an accident

  2. Well obviously it does the following-

    Takes your eyes off the road

    Distracts you (mentally)

    Takes your hand(s) off the wheel

  3. if you've got your eyes on your phone and only one hand on the wheel, then you're not concentrating on the road.

    saying this, i don't see a problem in texting while you're in stationary traffic with your handbrake on.  i do this occasionally and put my phone down the moment the traffic moves, and only pick my phone up again when i've stopped.  if it's a quick text, i'll pull over to the side of the road and stop.  i'd never ever do it while the car was moving!

  4. Well of course its distracting. It takes hands to type in the letters on your phone so it means less control of the steering. Your trying to multitask in a situation where you should be paying attention to one specific thing. Thats driving.

    You need to think about the people driving around you also.

    Just think if you were to turn a slight bit off because you were trying to type in a letter and you crashed in to somebody.

    Don think about the person your texting. Think about how you could harm the other people around you if you mess up even a little.


  5. um, like the person who rear ended me and totaled my car while reaching for her phone and texting is not  enough of a reason for texting to be dangerous while driving? i had only had my car 6 months, it was brand new with only 3,000 miles when this person slammed into me at 70 mph while texting on her phone. she didn't look up to see me still sitting at the light.

    this is a dangerous thing! and for you people to post on here and say you feel 'successful' while you are 'multitasking', are silly!! this is not a GOOD 'multitasking'! it could seriously injure someone else and their families.

    are you a teenager looking for a good excuse to do such things while driving? please don't do these things while driving. you could drive through a red light, run into someone, kill a jaywalking pedestrian, all sorts of things. don't even start to beg your parents to let you text while driving. talking on cell phones while driving should be outlawed EVERYWHERE.

  6. I dunno....I'm actually guilty of that.  If you need hard facts or statistics, I'm sure you can simply google search whatever you're looking for.  Yahoo answers aren't going to give you reliable statistics.  I could just say 34.58384% of people who text while driving get mind controlled by their phones and drive to IHOP and buy their phones pancakes.  I'd look on the DMV's website for info.   They might "fudge" the statistics since they're a government agency...but at least it's official.

  7. i beg to differ texting while driving is only distracting for some people... i can personally text w/out lookin at my phone so i never have to take my eyes off the road only to read the new text coming in lol but i have yet to be in an accident although if you have to look at your phone to text a message you shouldn't do it anywho the answer to your question i did take the liberty to look something up for you hope it helps

  8. Here's why: because it's s-t-u-p-i-d and DANGEROUS! Your eyes and attention are on the phone and not on the road. You are putting your life and everyone elses at risk. Pull over to a safe area and make a call or text away. Also, if the cops see you, it's a major violation and fine in most places now. Don't do it.

  9. according to mythbuster


    The cellphone tests were failed by a much bigger margin, though Adam's observation was that you can put down a cellphone -- you can't get instantly undrunk. Also, they tested the drunk driving below the California legal limit -- Adam, at least, has gotten much drunker for MythBuster tests than that.


  10. A survey this year by AAA and Seventeen magazine found that 46 percent of drivers 16 and 17 years old said that they text-message while driving.

    It’s an alarming statistic given that 37 percent of teenage drivers said they believed that text messaging was the most serious driver distraction.

  11. I text and drive and i have been in 11 minor accidents just fender benders in the last 2 years. I will continue to do it because i like to multitask and feel sucessful when i do . And I dont think they can raise my insurance any more

  12. maybe they will learn their lesson after they die

  13. Ugh! My boyfriend does this and swerves while he does it. I think that should be enough reason. I text while I'm at redlight though.
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