
Thai Food: Fork or Chopsticks?

by Guest55736  |  earlier

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If I'm in a Thai restaurant, am I supposed to use a fork or chopsticks?

I'm going to be going to Bangkok soon, and don't want to look ignorant.





  1. Well i think most of them will be using chopsticks

    but if you don't no how to use it use a fork

    cuz you will make a prat of ur self droping the chopsitcks on the floor lol

  2. you eat fried rice, and soup with a spoon, rice in a bowl with chopsticks, and pretty much everything else with forks, i just got back from thailand and my friends there all do that

  3. Thais do not really use chopsticks often only occasionally with noodles or rice, and yes if you are in Bangkok you will look strange if you use them.  Thais use a spoon and fork, but not like us westerners do.  The fork is never to go into your mouth, you use it to push your food onto your spoon which is the only utensil you put in your mouth.  This is just good Thai etiquette, if you don't do it, people probably won't think much about it because you are a foreigner.  A good rule of thumb is, if the server provides chopsticks then feel free to use them, otherwise just stick to the spoon and fork.  Hope this helps and have fun in Thailand.

  4. I believe they use fork and spoon, whenever I go over there and eat at their restaurants unless it is a Chinese or a Japanese restaurant then they give you chopsticks but otherwise they give you fork and spoon. My husband was an expat to Thailand, we go there a lot.

  5. I think it depends on the dish that you are eating. Many asians eat lots of soup dishes so they may be using spoons. You will see once you get there. You can use what you want, you will not be the only one using a fork.

  6. Actually, spoon.  Only use chopsticks when the rice is serve on the bowl or eating noodles. But no worries, most Asian including Thai use spoon and fork. Some traditional people use hand but you don't wanna go this far. Just have fun!  

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