
Thai women. 10 points?

by Guest58320  |  earlier

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Is it true that Good Tradional Thai ladies marry Thai guys meanwhile bar girls, single mother, non-virgin, unwanted girls chase for farangs?

Whenever Thai women have no ways out. They assume NO Thai men wanted them, they desperately look for farangs?

Why do farangs want something other don't want?




  1. they like crzy girls better. i think its good to stick to ur religion. people will respect u more.


    Good traditional Thai ladies do marry to Thai guys. Even those Thai ladies who educated aboard and able to meet western men are prefer dating Thai gentlemen.

    Thailand is a double standard society. Thai guys are encouraged to explore s*x and having as many women as they want. Meanwhile, Thai women are expected to be virgins and no s*x before marriage.

    I know a few Thai women who are now married western men because they were afraid Thai men don't want them. They simply claimed they don't want Thai men to complain about their past relationship.

    Many Thai women are no longer goodness virgins (70% according to exit polls) Therefore, Thai men better accept the reality and deal with their non-virgin brides.

  3. OK. I answer this seriously. The fact you've said may be true some 20 years ago (or rather 25) when virginity is worshiped in many parts of the world, fortunately or unfortunately Thailand inclusive.  Girls who got it ridden just once in some over the top drunken parties usually are gossiped behind and sorts of outcaste by friends and not someone proper to be married to. These days Thailand, I’m not sure whether there’s a virgin girl before married anymore, like it or not. Things change.

    Those time, of course may be because the west change this idiosyncrasy during the 60’s. Otherwise, I believe, even in the US, this virginity thing was sort of a traditional thing to have before marriage. I went to US high school in late 70’s when things already been changed still question was then being asked whether one believe in pre-marriage, but during late 80's in the UK they say:  ÃƒÂ¢Ã‚€ÂVirginity is like a balloon, one prick and it’s gone!” So, in the old days, those Thai girls who’re “Not” usually turn to western guys is true. But, nice Thai girls many of them my friends who come from good family, even some are daugthers of ministers were married to western guys. And, they are not defected either.

    Like I said before, Thailand has changed a lot, and I think you’d find very few girls being the old traditional proper “whatever” girl. Still, if so, she is being respected, not making fun of like in the West.  I’m pretty sure I reflex general prevailing contemporary Thai cultures (at least the Bangkok’s one).

  4. yes

  5. Agree with Khun Bob, this debate is a load of c**p....

  6. I know I'm a guy, but may I remind you that one of the Royal Princesses married an American.

  7. Not true. Most bar girls do what they do just to survive. They are other-wise decent girls / women..

  8. I suppose "good and traditional" implies that they are the perfect housewife who caters to the needs of thier "traditional" Thai husbands who subjugate them.  Therefore, independent, rational women who don't live their lives to society's expectations (such as being a virgin until marriage..etc.) but instead DO WHAT THEY WANT are ACCUSED of pursuing farangs.

    Pull your head out of your @ss.

  9. Exquisite beauty?

  10. In experience of meeting Thai women.  All Thai ladies want to marry Thai men if they can.  What they experience is that some Thai men are "butterfly" men.  When the relationship is not working they fly to next flower instead of trying to work it out.  

    Background, Thailand, like most if not all Asian countries are dominated by men in politics, business, etc. Though women in high places are respected, there are few.  Women are still second class citizens.  And they are a tradition oriented society like most Asian countries.  And yes, being a virgin is preferred for whatever reason.

    Keep in mind the Thai people are now in the middle of what the western world experienced in the  1970's called " Women's liberation".  The women of Thailand or of Bangkok tend to be better educated than their male counterparts and work in offices.  Most men are laborers and the "few" are managers in the offices.  And there is a sexual revolution going on also, whereby, it's the parents that care about the issue of virginity.  

    Ah, one more contributing factor, 1/2 the working population works in agriculture and that is mostly men.  Most of the parents send their daughters to school in the city to better themselves and help the family in the future.  Combined if anyone noticed there are many more women in Bangkok or Chiang Mai or Roiet than there are men because, the men are in the fields, in the plants or in the military service or ..... the bottom line they are not in the cities.  

    Given all the above, I repeat most Thai ladies or women would prefer to marry Thai men.  But, because some men are butterfly men, because there is a general lack of men in the cities which can cause men to be butterfly men because there are so many women to choose from.  

    This leaves Thai women few options if they want to marry an educated man.  Regardless of whether she is a proper Thai woman, rich Thai woman, or poor Thai woman, there are less choices for them in the city.  

    Just a note, single mothers are single mothers because the man found another woman, or they are widowed.  And child support is NOT mandatory.  

    I am Japanese American, I don't know what the average Farang wants.  I like asian women in general it is something I prefer.   I like that fact that the Thai women are tenacious about having a relationship work if it can.  They are quite devoted to their mate, in general.

  11. I'm tired of hearing this c**p that Thai women married to Farangs are only in it for the money.  Do you think it different anywhere else in the world.  It seem everyone is making up excuses.  If you don't marry for love then your marriage is not worth c**p.

  12. most farang don't mind 'used' ladies because they aren't biggoted narrow minded mysogonists unlike many hypocritical asian men.....if only thai men were as pure as they expect their women to be
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