I'm posting this for those that have been following what is going on w/my dog:
see info --> http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=Ai8EWOKmLVrEKiTqwrajCAHty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080828150604AApXAdI
Our Vet called me back not long ago and told me that the blood tests on his organs- kidney, liver etc. all came back fine, but that something else popped up that looked funny so her ran other test and it came out that he most likely had a case of Ehrlichia (tick born infection). he also had a really bad ear infection (which we already knew and were treating but it had become worse) so he was treated for that with a one time med at the vet office.
i can go back tomorrow as soon as the office opens for the meds for the Ehrlichia and he should make a full recovery!
I'm SO glad that i didn't wait like that other vet said and decided to go w/my gut on this.
thank you so much everyone for your kind words, and emails. I cannot tell you how bad my stomach was in a knot till about 20 mins ago!
Patch was on a tick/flea and heartworm prevention when he contracted this so just to let you know to watch your pets carefully!! a prevention is not a magical pill they can still get sick, we must be vigilant!
oh..my question-
Other than prevenative medication, what are some other steps one can take to prevent fleas and ticks from transmitting diseases to our pets?