
Thank goodness! my dog will be okay...?

by  |  earlier

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I'm posting this for those that have been following what is going on w/my dog:

see info -->;_ylt=Ai8EWOKmLVrEKiTqwrajCAHty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080828150604AApXAdI

Our Vet called me back not long ago and told me that the blood tests on his organs- kidney, liver etc. all came back fine, but that something else popped up that looked funny so her ran other test and it came out that he most likely had a case of Ehrlichia (tick born infection). he also had a really bad ear infection (which we already knew and were treating but it had become worse) so he was treated for that with a one time med at the vet office.

i can go back tomorrow as soon as the office opens for the meds for the Ehrlichia and he should make a full recovery!

I'm SO glad that i didn't wait like that other vet said and decided to go w/my gut on this.

thank you so much everyone for your kind words, and emails. I cannot tell you how bad my stomach was in a knot till about 20 mins ago!

Patch was on a tick/flea and heartworm prevention when he contracted this so just to let you know to watch your pets carefully!! a prevention is not a magical pill they can still get sick, we must be vigilant! question-

Other than prevenative medication, what are some other steps one can take to prevent fleas and ticks from transmitting diseases to our pets?




  1. Our prayers have been answered. Glad it's a quick fix!

    Frontline, Advantage etc will keep the ticks at bat.

    Please give Patch a hug from me. I'm sure you will sleep easier tonight.

  2. YEA!

    I'm glad you didn't wait!  Sometime our gut feeling is what really counts!  

    I'm in a very high risk area for Lyme so I always check my self and the dogs each time we come in.  I do not totally expect the flea & tick meds to totally work 100%.  

    We also treat our yard and trees for ticks but that only works so long too.  It does cut down on the little buggars but it doesn't get rid of them all.

    I just goes to show everyone that if you see something is wrong get the dog into the vet!  In all likely hood there is.


  3. my dog had a tick born diesese, im not exactly sure what it wa  and he led a very happy and healthy life till about a month and a half ago.  :(  but he lived with the diesease for about 5 or 6 years. (it was cronic, like arthritus)  if your dogs tick diesease isnt cronic, or is and they have pills for it to make it better, hopefuly he'll live a happy and active life :D

  4. Good News    :)    :)   :)   :) :)   :)   :)  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)  :)   :)  :)  :)   :)   :)

  5. Frontline. And CONGRATS! Very refreshing news!

    ADD: Oops, I didn't realize you said other than preventative meds. Sorry, haha!

  6. Good News for Patch YEAH!  

    Spray your yard with pet safe pesticides.

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