
Thank you for all the answer now what do you think the high price we will pay for a gallon of gas?

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Thank you for all the answer now what do you think the high price we will pay for a gallon of gas?




  1. sadly, we will pay whatever they charge. we have no choice. as long as there is oil in the ground, oil companies will control everything. the technology already exists for practical electric cars and better yet, hydrogen powered cars who's only emission is water. but again, as long as there is oil in the ground, these things won't be allowed to be available. the real truth is that big oil controls everything including the gov't.

  2. Gasoline will probably settle somewhere at $10.00 a gallon.  Considering just a few years ago a barrel of oil was about $30.  Friday, it closed at $135.00 a barrel.  THE HIGHEST EVER IN HISTORY.  The speculation is a barrel of oil will go as high as $300.00.  OH MY G..!!!.

    DON'T drive if possible.  Use mass transit whenever you can.  DON"T litter and be aware as to how long you let the tap water run.  Do laundry all together (whites, colors, etc.) in cold water.  Colors do not run in cold water.  The point is to use less water, and if your washer is fueled by gas, use less.  Hang your clothes out to dry and forget the dryer.  That too emits greenhouse gases.

    Don't get me started again.  I will go now.  Thank you for letting me to write a short novel and sound off before I explode.


  3. I drive all vintage cars. I like the way it's been. It's keeping some of the a******s off the road cause they do not have any money for gas. I don't get to many miles per gallon but  weekends are better, cause the old no driven fools are at home

  4. i want a scooter . but im not driving as much . i pretty much stay in a 7 mile radius .

    i think gas in chicago is gonna be over 5 by december , considering as though we are at 4.19 now ....

  5. Does TO Much, count as an answer? (well, I guess it does, but not a very good one).  I'll guess about $4.20 for the "cheap"(cheap, yeah right) stuff in the next couple of weeks.

  6. The question should be what is going to be the price that we REFUSE to pay. There is going to be a time that we just really can not afford gas anymore. Right now, we are all complaining about it, but we still fork over our hard earned cash. We will continue to cut back on the things we like to pay for the things we need. It was only a few short years ago that gas was at $1.48 gallon. But it seems to be more like a lifetime ago. I am sure that gas will go up to over $5 gallon. I don't want to pay it. But if I continue to live where I do, and work where I do, I will have no choice. It is too far away to ride a bike. Maybe people will start buying more scooters or Smart-for-2 cars.

  7. Maybe around $6.00. I think I'll buy a motorized bicycle :-|

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